Thursday, May 31, 2007

Tyler's last day of pre-school!

The star of the day...yooohooo! Tyler's last day of pre-school. How cool is that? He officially is one of the big kids now (or so he thinks). He will start Mokapu Aug 1 in Pre-K and the very best part- it's free!! I won't be dishing out the dinero for child care until Trey starts the CDC and with the wait list, who knows how long that will be. I made cup cakes for his classroom Aloha Party and joined them for lunch. He was happy to finally get to that day circled on the calendar. No more asking "Is today my last day?" He also thinks he's top dog cause Tara has another week of school left. I am getting closer and closer to the long days of summer that I've been craving!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Got it!!

I have been trying to figure out how to do this type of collage for weeks. I would go online and do searches, I've looked at buying programs, downloading programs, read countless tutorials.... and all along it has been on my desk top computer. MicroSoft Picture It!! Who knew???? (Thanks Pam!)
So this is my second attempt at collage building. The first is at the bottom of my page as Waikiki Sunsets. Expect to see more!!

Memorial Day Fun

Memorial Day we did the right thing. I had wanted to visit a veterans cemetery and do a cookout with games and fun but the weather wasn't cooperating. The morning was rainy and nasty. Tara had come home in the middle of the night so we got an early start. We gathered some beautiful flowers and tied them with ribbon to make two very attractive bouquets. I thought we would beat the crowds but they were already packed. People were selling flowers and there were tons of volunteers passing out water and flags and making sure people were able to find their loved ones. The rain was still coming down pretty heavily. The kids were very impressed with all the flags and flowers and I think they understood the spirit of the day. It continued to be cloudy right up to mid afternoon but at the last moment the sun broke free of the clouds so we ran out and played lots of games. Tug-of-war, egg tosses, 3 legged race, wheel barrel races, water balloon fights, crab walks etc etc. The kids had a great time and we topped it off with a cookout complete with the traditional and every kids favorite, hamburgers and hot dogs, chips, baked beans and a couple of cakes and some s'mores. It all came together nicely. Hope you had a great day too!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day Everyone!

It's a long holiday weekend here in paradise. My backdoor neighbor, Robert, found out Friday he had been advanced. We were all very excited and celebrated with a few adult beverages. Quite a few beverages. The good thing about my drink of choice is the Jeiger is mixed with Red Bull which leaves you with lots of energy for the next morning. Saturday, Tyler had a t-ball game and after was awarded with his most coveted snack pack. The girls set up and worked their lemonade stand. They had fun and I even threw together a cinnamon streusel cake so they could sell that with their drinks. The beach was beckoning so when Trey finished his nap, that's where we headed. Today we were all bad and skipped church. (I know, I know...we are all going straight to hell!) We packed up the cooler with sandwiches, milk, juices and snacks. We loaded up a football, a volleyball set, floats and snorkel gear and guess where we went? Yep, you guessed it, the beach! Is there any place you would rather be when in Hawaii? New pictures have been added.

Tomorrow I would like to wake up early and head to a veteran's cemetery. My plan is to take red flowers for the kids to leave and explain the history of Memorial Day. That is my plan but plans tend to change. My kids have all left me to spend the night with friends so the early start I was hoping for isn't going to happen. We have an Iwo jima Memorial on base so we may have to head to that instead. We will see. If you read this before 3 pm, that is the moment when you are to pause in remembrance and respect, honoring those that have fallen in service to their country.

We cherish too, the Poppy red
That grows on fields where valor led,
It seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies
-Moina Michael

My hope is that everyone takes at least 60 seconds to remember the spirit of the day. It's not just another 3 day weekend! ( I will now jump down from my soapbox!)

Friday, May 25, 2007

The Pet Rock

Ok! Think fast, think hard! Does anyone remember having a Pet Rock? Ok times up! The year was 1975 and Pet Rocks were the craze. (I am really dating myself here!) I, of course, had one perched on a shelf on the desk in my room. I am sure the rock was given a name (probably first, middle and last) but it has long been forgotten. I do remember the little carton that folded closed, complete with air holes. The inside came with straw for my little rock to live on but I believe I promptly replaced that with scraps of fabric left over from Grandma's quilting. The rock was the greatest pet ever. Ya didn't have to feed it, clean up behind it and it was very skilled at various tricks, such as sit, stay and play dead.
Well, Tara and Cassidy were bored one day about two weeks ago (you know where this is headed, right?) and I suggested going outside and finding a special rock. We had a little package of squiggly eyes and I thought they would find that special rock, add some eyes, put it in a box and voila, a pet to amuse them for hours!! Did I underestimate the imagination of these little heathens. Not only did they find a special rock, they found an entire city's worth of special rocks. And it is no wonder because the little box I recommended was replaced by a large diaper box (like you get from Sam's Club). The smaller boxes were their "travel boxes". The little dears also decided that eyes were not enough. Oh no, they had to paint each and every rock. Not to mention the boxes that had to be decorated too! At my kitchen table. One color was not enough. There were stripped, spotted, two toned rocks and some rocks were designated as girl rocks and some were boy rocks. Once Tyler and Ray Ray got involved it was complete chaos. Their rocks weren't carefully chosen. They just wanted rocks...and paint. And they knew Mom wouldn't say "no" because the girls had been doing it.
I am still finding rocks. The lawnmower chews them up and spits them out. I find them in the toy basket, under the couch and in some very weird places. I know from where they came cause they are all painted. The cardboard box is still in my carport, filled with painted rocks and sitting next to the trash can. I am so tempted to discreetly throw it in the trash and be done with it all. I can't do it though, based on childhood trauma stemming from a pumpkin full of "little people" that got disposed of by accident (that is another story!). I will wait for Kevin to get home to do the dirty work. I wonder what happened to my rock? It was probably vacationing in the pumpkin....

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Spring Fever?

Is it possible to get spring fever in Hawaii? Yesterday I allowed Big Guy to stay home. Last week they took half the class on a field trip to visit the elementary school. We did that together and yesterday they took the other half, so it was a worthless day for him. What did we do? What else! We went to the beach! I drove around in circles till Trey fell asleep and then Big Guy and I had a picnic in the shade. After we finished our sandwiches I plunked a chair down right in the water line and he began looking for shells. Trey slept peacefully under a tree enjoying the cool ocean breezes. All seemed right in the world. Stress was gone and I marveled how easily that happens. As I was lying on my chair in the water, I was thinking of how much I love the ocean and making a mental checklist of all the problems a trip to the beach can solve.
a. Congested? Swim in the ocean and it clears your sinuses
b. Boo boos? Take a swim and the salt water helps them heal faster
c. Silver jewelry tarnished? Take a dip and it'll sparkle like new!
d. Fingernails/toenails in need of cleaning? You guessed it- ride some waves
e. Stressed out, sad or blue? Stand before the mighty ocean and watch the surf roll in, hear the waves lapping at the shore, feel the sand massaging your feet and the warmth of the sun on your face and smell the salty waters and realize how small and insignificant you are in it's vastness. Problems solved and stress evaporates!
So the ocean cleans, heals and is way cheaper than a shrink. Do I have to leave? Ever? Tara came home from school and they were making a lemonade stand in anticipation of setting up at a neighbors yard sale on Saturday. This is no small undertaking made from Kool-Aid. They squeeze real lemons, add some sugar and their lemonade is great! When we all run out of lemons they swipe our limes and their lime aids are just as good. Maybe I'll make some cookies for them to sell too... Anyway they had found a big box and had to get that prepared as their stand. They were drawing pictures and the little darlings even cut holes so they would have a place to display flowers cause flowers make everything sooo pretty. They were so involved in all of this that when it came time for Tara to go to volleyball I let her skip practice. Not a big deal cause she's only missed one other practice. Right? Trey was happy to be free of the backyard and was happily running back and forth annoying both the boys and the girls. Big Ray had the boys out hitting baseballs so they could practice catching. Every now and then when they practice he'll deliberately hit them with the ball. Archaic? Yes, but he does have a point. Once the boys have been hit by the ball they realize it just stings for a sec and then they don't cry if they get hit during a game. That's boy logic for ya! Melissa and I sat on her new outdoor furniture in the yard and watched and waited till the very last moment before we had to retire to our respective kitchens to attend the nightly ritual called dinner. That's when I began to wonder if I was experiencing spring fever. I want to go to the beach, to the pool, let the kids play till dark, fix dinner late, bathing being an option till morning and just hanging out with friends chatting about nothing. In essence I want summer!! Spring fever?? Probably...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Yesterday I received one frantic phone call, an upset e-mail and a neighbor that walked over waving an envelope while still laughing. Curious? Two years ago when we moved here I applied for nursing jobs within the GS system covering the military clinics here on island. Apparently they are finally processing my application. Part of the process is verifying my references explaining the ominous letters from the Federal Bureau of Investigative Services that friends have been receiving. Most have said they wondered "What have I done now?". So, if I have your mailing address and have known you for some time, this will explain the very official FBI letter you may receive. You have been warned!!

Monday, May 21, 2007


Kevin is still gone so we remain very busy. Tara is still playing volleyball and her serve is shaping up nicely. Tyler had a t-ball game Saturday and played the "pitcher" position. He was so proud ........ and so was I! He was stopping the ball and throwing straight to home or first base. Mother's day weekend we spent relaxing at the Hale Koa. That Saturday we had a late night at the Barefoot Bar with friends and Sunday we lay poolside enjoying the peace and freedom the pool and a lifeguard granted us. We took a bucket of chicken home and it was a stress free day.
Pre-school, CCD, speech therapy and school is all coming to an end. Each have been having conferences, meetings and teacher appreciation activities. Add to that our sport practices and games, first communion, field trips, talent shows, doctors appointments and life in general **sigh** I am ready for a little me time. I can't wait for Kevin to get home!! I can't wait for summer too!! I am longing for lazy days without homework and mandatory bed and bath times. I am even anxious to go back to work. How scary is that??
Anybody ever sit back and wonder "Why??" Let me explain a part of my Saturday. I gather the kids and get Tara and Tyler both dressed in their uniforms. Tara has a game at 9:15 in town and Tyler has an 11:00 here at the base. We get to the gym and Ray (he coaches a different t-ball team) tells me he plays at 11 and it's not against our t-ball team. I make a few rushed calls and find out Tyler's game started at 9. This is a big deal!! Tyler cannot miss a game or he will be impossible! I talk to another parent and make arrangements for Tara to get home. The boys and I jump in the jeep and we're off! I was early for volleyball and know I can make it back to base in about 20 min and therefore Tyler will only miss about half of his game. As I am racing down the road, the baby is playing with a small plastic hammer with a hole in the handle so that it can hang on the plastic workbench to which it belongs. Once I get to the freeway, baby Trey starts screaming from the back. Apparently my youngest has somehow gotten his finger stuck in the hole in the handle of the hammer. (Why???) As he is screaming, and I am driving, I am trying to work the hammer from side-to-side to try and get his wedged finger loose. Tyler is yelling "His finger! His finger!" Trey is still screaming so I grab a water bottle, dump it onto the offending finger and hammer and finally wiggle it free! This is still occurring as I am driving down the freeway racing to Tyler's game. I dropped Tyler off and headed home to change my now soaked baby and then raced back to watch Ty. I promise! I do not make this stuff up. What is it about boys that makes it possible to get their finger stuck in the hole of a toy or their feet stuck in the rungs of a chair?? Why do these things happen?? Anyhoo, Tyler made it in time to play over half of his game and Trey still plays with the hammer.
I have added a couple pics lately so check those out if you haven't!! Later...