The Beatty's are still here and we have been busy, busy, busy! Saturday everyone went to Tara's volleyball game then they all went to the swap meet. As the sun was going down, we were headed to Hanauma Bay. Twice a month they do night snorkeling so we weren't going to miss the opportunity. It was very cool. We were able to rent underwater flashlights and to look at the dark water with the lights moving just beneath the surface was very inviting. In all actuality, it creeped us out. You could hear stuff in the water but you couldn't see anything unless it was directly in the beam of you flashlight. You never knew what was lurking just ahead. By unanimous vote it was decided this adventure, although sounding very cool, was creepy....very creepy. Sunday we went to Bellows AFF so the kids could do some boogy boarding. They also got an added bonus that day- there was a turtle feeding around the jetty so they kept an eye on that. We headed to the West side of the island for Germaine's Luau that evening. It was great fun and served up some fabulous mai ti's. Yesterday we hit the North Shore and our guests sampled the wonderful shrimp scampi from Giovanni's Shrimp Truck. While waiting for our eats we all passed the time by adding our names to the countless others found on every inch of the truck. They were fascinated by the many turtles at Lanikea or Turtle Beach. Snorkeling in waters where turtles nearly run you over is intoxicating. Next on our list was Waimea falls and other than an overzealous life guard, the icy swim is fabulous. Today we are going to head out to the sand bar for some volleyball and good times. Have I mentioned lately how much I love it here?? As soon as I find Darby's camera I'll update with some pictures...