Live action with all the sweetness and none of the mess! Your other gift will, of course, be late!!
Paradise? Found it! Paradise has become of my own design through my family, the places I live and explore and my friends! Life is good!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
So you wanna see Christmas decorations?
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Justice, the Y and Verizon (oh my!)
On the other hand, I am oh-so-very excited to get my work bag back and the SD card. When I was describing my camera to the detective in the property office they had originally thought it belonged to someone else. I described how the lens was loose and he professed it was a nice tight fit. As he turned the camera facing down so he could look at the pictures I was describing, I heard the lens fall out and hit the desk.
"So was that the lens?"
"Uhh, yes ma'am. Maybe this camera is yours." Ya think??
Now if I can convince him that one of the GPSs is mine I'll be back in business. My advice: WRITE DOWN THE SERIAL NUMBER!
The GPS is a very corrupting little device. My entire life I have been excellent at directions and finding my way around. If I have been there once, I can get there again. No problem. After owning a GPS I now feel as if I will be horribly lost forever if I can't see the streets displayed as I approach them. My son learned left and right from the not-so soothing voice that dictates direction. I feel cheated that I never got to actually try and drive while just looking at the 4 inch screen. (I swear it can be done!) I WANT my GPS people!!!
***breathe in, breath out***
We belong to the YMCA (can you read that with out singing the song?) and I workout there while the kids play in their respective "zones". Once in a while, when they are swinging from the dining room light or climbing the curtains, we'll go up there to swim/wear them out. Trey will now happily go straight into the toddler area without a whimper. Tyler loves to color and play in the tubes and in the I zone they have a WII and a rock climbing wall. He has made it about half way up the wall. I love to watch the determination that overcomes his little features each time he climbs into the harness.
Tara learned from Grandma Linda that she was old enough to go into the fit room. She discovered this and has approached it with the same passion she does most things- balls to the wall!! (Pardon my slang!) She made an appointment with the fitness instructor and was oriented to the machines. Now she sits and adjusts the seat and the weights like a little pro. They have Disney on above the treadmills and she walks/runs happily watching Waverly Place. She has recently discovered the rowing machines and says she likes to row "like we did in the water at Kaneohe." I love it because she now hounds me about going which keeps me on more of a schedule. Tyler starts b-ball practice there tonight so opportunities will be endless.
Verizon has laid cable on our street. I can't wait to call Cox and cancel my cable subscription. They have had a monopoly in this area for too long. Maybe as with most businesses, a little competition will force them to make needed changes. I could have hidden lots of bodies in the holes that were dug in my yard but they did a fine job of covering them up.
Okay, this is where the rambling ends.
Wait! Kev if you are reading this, I found the lil green book in the playroom. Who would have thunk it??
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Can you believe??
Thank You!
Not Alone
Kevin has never been away for Christmas. Now there has been many a year when he has been gone up until a few days before and he has come home just in time to enjoy the benefits of my labor. Uuuggghhh. My labor consists of a slight remodel to make Christmas come alive at home. We haul out 3-4 Christmas trees, string lights in the front and in the windows, hang stockings on the mantle, place poinsettias on the steps and each room gets pictures, trinkets, music boxes, snow globes or some other Christmas goody. Needless to say it's a process. It's a process I would rather not do alone. Even if he arrives just in time to say "Merry Christmas!" he's always taken the time to be there for at least part of the process. This year it's just me.
My father came to the house to help get the 20 or so boxes out of the attic. They lined the halls upstairs for days until my children could take it no longer. I was trying to unpack a box when they realized it was time to do the decorating.
My precious, precious boy began trying to bring boxes down by himself. Tara joined in the effort. Together they worked as a team and began to do what I had avoided for days. I had no desire to begin the labor of Christmas alone. I should have realized I was not by myself. Even when the boxes were too heavy for their combined efforts, they didn't let that stop them. They opened the boxes and began carrying stuff down one thing at a time till every box was empty. Each item they carried was like a treasure and they ooohhhed and aaaahhhed over every little thing and they took the time to show Trey all the little magical things they cherished. Watching them brought back some of that magic I feared might not be there this year.
Tyler turns the key on the back of the music boxes and just listens to the songs. He said to me, with his little chin quivering and tears in his eyes "Mom, Christmas songs make me happy. Will Daddy have Christmas songs over there?" Tara was debating which tree she liked the most when she stopped to ask if Daddy had a tree in Iraq. My answer to both "I hope so."
So the house is mostly decorated and we have begun to enjoy the season. I am not alone and neither is Kevin. He is with us in everything we do. My hope is that he and the guys will find a little magic in the season too. Even if it's just a Christmas song or a few lights in a palm tree. We miss you!!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Turkey Day!!
Each year my kids are quizzed about what they are thankful for and this year I will answer that question too.
I am thankful for my family. My husband and children for the love they generously give and being who they are, my family for the support, love and encouragement they have always shown and my husbands family for the welcome I have always received and the fine example of family they have always portrayed. I am thankful for my friends for being there to listen, cry or laugh. I am thankful I have a part-time job that allows my to put my family first. I am thankful I have a wonderful house with kind and caring neighbors in an outstanding school district. I am thankful my van keeps going and going and I am thankful Samantha and Gizmo are still here to greet us and love us and keep us warm at night.
I am thankful for all these things and many more!
Hope you have many things you are thankful for too and have a fabulous Thanksgiving!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
She has my soul
Dear Mom and Dad,
Mom your blue-green eyes look like the blue-green ocean in Hawaii. Dad your brown eyes look as gentle as swaying palms. Mom your brown hair looks like the pretty brown shell on the green sea turtle. Dad your black hair looks like the black of the night with the bright moon.
I love her too!
Chaos, grades and keeping busy!
I have been keeping the thermostat on 68 and I have discovered that if I turn on the fireplace it completely heats up the family room and kitchen in about 15 min. That is very nice. On the downside, I can't turn the fireplace on just to look at the pretty fire. It gets very warm very quickly. It is also non-vented. The not having a chimney flew to open makes me a little nervous so I have various CO2 detectors around the house. I have been told that it's very energy efficient because no heat is lost. Regardless, if you don't hear from us in a while have someone check the house, k?
Kev has been calling or e-mailing very often and he is doing well. They are staying busy and he mentioned eating cheesecake in bed so my sympathy is fading. He has flown over 40 hours this month so if Joe feeding him cheesecake in bed makes him happy so be it!! Hehehe!
Report cards came home last week. Tara gets real grades this year and has all A's. I'm going to brag for a moment because her A's are a 103 in Social Studies, a 99 in Science, a 99 in Math and a 98 in Reading/Spelling. Wow!! That is just awesome!! Her teacher gushed about what a joy she is in class. Awwww!
My dear lil Tyler did very well also. His teacher had wonderful things to say about him, his report was great and my little Student of the Month is doing very well.
Kelly came for a visit on Saturday. She always laughs about the noise level in my house. She has one 14 yo daughter and when she calls she says she hears the noise before I say hello. 3 kids screaming, dog barking, TV on. Woohooo! Welcome to the chaos! We spent the day exploring the aquarium, doing a little shopping and had dinner out. It was fun but over way to soon. I think she only stays for the day cause her senses are all over stimulated!!
We hit the Zoo on Sunday. Don't laugh but it was an awesome day at the zoo. The animals were all on the move and very visible. The male lion was even roaring and we've never heard that!! I hear the Richmond Zoo has a petting area for the giraffes so we need to do that very soon.
Dad is the one who takes the boys outside to play baseball, soccer, basketball or challenges them on the Wii. With Daddy gone the boys energy level is often through the roof. It's getting a little cold for the long walks or bike rides that Mom likes so I am looking at other options. I am thinking of putting both Tara and Tyler in martial arts. I had considered just Tyler but I have this fear of Tyler practicing daily on his sister so I think I need to even the playing field. Besides she needs the exercise.
Yes it is a quite boring update but Kevin has been reading daily and he likes to hear about the little things! More later!
Monday, November 10, 2008

The missed and the missing
In other news- some punk teen with unobservant parents is plaguing our neighborhood. (Sorry to offend but I see no other way to describe the situation when a teenager is out at 2AM during the week and awaking each morning with new bags of stolen goods!!) The offender is hitting our very comfortable in their environment neighbors who feel no need to lock their vehicle in their own driveways. Myself included. I donated my camera, my GPS and the heathen dumped my work bag so that he would have an empty sack to carry his stolen goods. I guess he needed something to conceal the 4 GPS units, the camera and the Blackberry he picked up off our court. Yes, we know it is a teen because we have a video image from a savvy guy with video surveillance but his vehicles were locked and the image was way to quick. The good guys from CSI could stop the footage and give us an accurate still shot but the city's finest couldn't be bothered. The Civic Assc is updating us on his latest acquisitions but so far the little booger hasn't been caught.
For this reason there will be no fall pumpkin patch pics. You will not see Tara dressed as a Fancy Witch, Big Guy as a gallant knight or the baby as a rough and tumble football guru. I hope as you go to take an important picture the lens falls out of the camera ( haha it was broken!) and I hope you feel a twinge of guilt as you see the family pictures you have stolen on my SD card. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your mop of uncut brown hair and I hope the college of your dreams denies you and crushes your spirit. Spineless turd!! I miss my work bag!!
Uugh.... I feel better anyway.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Neptune Festival (Forgot about it!)
Monday, October 06, 2008
Been Boo'ed?
Don't know what I'm talking about? Check it out here:
You never know who may be leaving treats at your door!
Wedding Bells!
Go Tigers!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Go Hawks!
I was curious. I probably haven't been to a high school game in about 20 years. With all the talk of gangs and the violence in schools, I was a little nervous when we arrived and had to go through a metal detector. Once upon a time when kids walked around the track they would stop and chat and visit with others as they made the loop. Not anymore. Now there are security/sheriffs/cops that remind all to keep moving. Like a momma lion I kept my little cubs close.
The game began with the band playing the Star Spangled Banner and I forgot my fears. The kids here were like any other. They talked and cheered, the team played hard and the bands performed. The air was filled with the smell of hot dogs and popcorn and if I hadn't had my own kids with me, it could have been a scene from 20 years ago.
The kids loved it. The local news had a helicopter that landed behind the field, the dance squad performed, the cheerleaders cheered and the band had a great show. It was a live football game and we all yelled and stomped along with everyone else!
It may have been a little more cautious than what I remember, but I saw nothing to fear. No gang colors, no fights among rival students and I didn't even hear a bad word. I am sure this stuff goes on, but I can happily report I saw none of it here.
My children loved the excitement, I loved that they enjoyed it and we will happily return!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
It's all in the details...
The structure is not a basic house- it is an ancient Hawaiian thatched hut. The grey area is Tapa cloth covering the doorway and the square is a woven welcome mat.
The big tree is just as it appears. A large palm that Daddy is climbing to retrieve the coconuts.
The other tree is hanging low with bananas about to be picked.
The person to the far left is a marine biologist collecting samples of marine life to study the stability of the ocean. (I am not making this up people!)
The person under the house has collected fronds and is making Tapa cloth like the ancients.
The people fishing are trying to catch Mahi and Ahi.
The 2 girls are sitting and waiting for the coconuts so they can crack them for milk and fresh coconut meat.
Do you think she misses Hawaii? Just a little bit? Maybe she's feeling a little displaced?
Just when I think were all a little better, I get a very detailed reminder of what we lost.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
My house has been filled with the wonderful aroma of baking bread. A friend from work gave me a starter for Amish Friendship Bread. I have now been baking bread every 10 days. My freezer will soon be full and my neighbors will reap the rewards during the holidays. I have been experimenting so now the basic recipe has expanded to include cranberry, blueberry and pumpkin. Pumpkin you say? Yes, pumpkin- blame it on fall, y'all!!
I have even been able to dig through my closet and find clothes that aren't specifically designed for island life. I am adjusting well. When it really gets cold- check back. I may recess back into the depths of my brain and remain comatose till spring. Hibernation I think they call it. But for now I am okay.
I am looking forward to driving through the mountains to gather apples in the orchards and play in the fallen leaves. My brain will get a visual boost of adrenaline while I stare mesmerized at the beauty the trees display as the leaves change from green to fall's assorted color palette. Hopefully the kids will stop watching that DVD of Tom & Jerry long enough to notice too and if I am not interrupting an important NFL game schedule it may be a good day for all!!!
Tara and Kevin both share my enthusiasm. Sort of.
Tara wakes each morning and asks "Is it cold?" I think it has more to do with the boots she's not allowed to wear yet, but I can interpret any way I want.
Kevin asks the same as he bundles sweats over shorts. His daily question and answer come from anxiety over the cold ride he knows is coming in his Jeep- with no back window.
Each morning I decide on what the kids are going to wear and leave it on the sofa. Tyler came down one morning and sleepily grabbed his clothes. I was in the kitchen preparing lunches and not really noticing his struggle.
"Ma!" His tone was that of a question so I was still making a PB&J.
"Ma!!!!" This one got my attention. I looked up to see my boy with one hand on the waist band of his pants practically to his armpits. The other hand was yanking on his pant leg trying in vain to make it stay above his knee.
"Ma!!! Why I got to wear these long shorts???!!!"
While I yanked on the adjustable tabs at the waistband I tried to explain the concept of shorts vs pants. He continued to call them "long shorts" for days. He is still asking on a regular basis if we can go to the pool. I should take him and throw him in. Then he might realize it's just a little too cold for the pool but I doubt the good people at the Y would understand the lesson I would be trying to instill in his pee brain. That's my boy!!
The AC is now switched to OFF. The windows are open. There's a scarecrow on the porch and a pumpkin in the flowerbed under the little garden flag that says "Welcome Fall". There is a bird feeder hanging under the eaves of the porch next to a window so the kids can watch. Grass is beginning to grow in the dust bowl of my backyard. The kids are looking forward to a Friday night high school football game. The geese honk as they fly over and we are anticipating a visit to the pumpkin patch.
Shhhhh!!! Don't tell anyone! I love this time of year!!
Friday, September 05, 2008
First Week Down
Big Guy says he likes his new school and he loves being able to ride the bus. He has computers in the classroom and he is meeting friends. He gets a stamp daily if he has had good behavior and he has one everyday. He hasn't forgotten his name tag so he gets a new sticker each afternoon also. The play ground is apparently nicer than the one at Mokapu so that is a huge bonus.
Tara is very happy. She has been to the library, kids do morning announcements, and they have a real gym. She has no worries of ants attacking her lunch and she loves the air conditioned classrooms. But most of all she says her teacher is fun!!!
Tyler is to play AYSO soccer this year. We have team assignments and practice starts next week unless Hanna or Ike cause too many problems. The teams are done by area so it will most likely be full of kids from BRP.
Tara got a call from her troop leader and she will be involved in Brownies. Hiking, camping, ice skating, crafts and general "do-gooder" stuff is right up her alley.
Work has been crazy. I have been pulling some extra hours but when it's 4 hrs at a time and it's only 5 min away it's easy! (And when they pay me time and half it's way worth it!!) Kevin has been doing some late flights so when he's around in the morning I can do these little extras. I am hoping these night flights continue so I can get up to the school and do a little volunteering. When the kids jump on the bus each day and I never see their teacher I am feeling a little detached. Communication seems to be okay though because both emails I have sent have been almost instantly answered.
My job has truly been a blessing. I get to be home all day with the kids and I am only gone 3 evenings a week and then Gramma or Daddy is with them. If you haven't been updated I did turn down the GS position. They were very nice and said when I have more time they will pass my resume around if I am interested. I hear they are supposed to make L&D nurses a GS12 next year so maybe then.....
Kevin says he will be leaving in October rather than January. He'll be gone for 4 months and miss the holidays and Tyler's birthday. I can't complain, in 9 years he has never missed a Christmas. He is loving being back in helos. He attended a reunion of the Vietnam H-6o guys in Nashville recently. I have never heard Kevin so humbled by any event in his life. He was inspired and awed by the stories, lives and medals these guys had attained. What an awesome experience for him and the rest of the guys that attended this event!
The weather gurus say we are in few a rough few days. Hopefully nothing too serious. I have battened down the hatches though (plants off the front porch, umbrella off the table, and I had to save the bamboo chimes!) in preparation for the wind I am sure we will have. Not too many worries since we took all the trees down! The kids are excited by their first storm. I am just hoping not to be sitting around in the dark for a couple of days!!
I hear Gramma Judy is coming in October! You'll have to send me your itinerary. We can't wait to see you!
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
First Day of School!!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Moving on...
School starts Tuesday. Tara will be in Intermediate school and Big Guy will be at the Primary school. Neither seems to share my concern that they won't be together. We have open house tonight and in the morning.
I am hoping they will find lots of friends. Adjusting to not living on base has been the hardest for them strictly due to the lack of kids. Don't get me wrong. There are a ton of kids in the neighborhood but only one lives on our court. They are used to a steady flow of kids coming in and out of the house all day. Big adjustment. They have basically had just each other.
I got guilted into Tara getting her ears pierced. She barely flinched and is very excited to add another element to her wardrobe.
Speaking of clothes, the school shopping has been maddening. We began as street urchins. They had nothing suitable for school. Slippers, or flip flops, aren't allowed and my children didn't even own a long sleeve shirt. Tara always had one pair of jeans each year but she had long ago outgrown those. We now have shoes. Real shoes. And multiple pairs for each child. Long pants seemed a good idea so they have those now too. The principle, who once moved here from that place, suggested a sweater since they will now have air conditioning, so those too have been purchased. The school supply list here is much shorter so that was a nice change. Apparently Virginia schools have enough money for teachers' supplies, toilet paper and paper towels so that will make for a less cumbersome first day. Tick tick tick! Almost time!
Tyler will begin soccer with AYSO. He is most excited. Tara, my dear dear daughter, has said she would like to pass on sports this year so that she "can focus on her studies". (what is that crap and from where does it come????) I did talk her into Brownies/Girl Scouts so I guess she will be out hocking cookies this year. If you forget to order, no worries, call me. I am sure I will have a freezer full!
Trey will be hanging out with Mom for one last year. I hope to head to the Y each day and put his little butt in their childwatch program. I am hoping to eradicate the phrase "Mommy do it" from his vocabulary. It is not spoken to me as a command. It is spoken to everyone else who would make an attempt to do something for him. The phrase would be "No! Please don't bother doing that for me! My mother will do it!"
If Tara gets his clothes- "No! Mommy do it!"
If Daddy wants to make chocolate milk- "No! Mommy do it!"
If Grandma wants to get him out of the car- "No! Mommy do it!"
Mommy is done and hoping that a little stranger time will help him cut the cord and move on.
That's all for now! Check back later....
The Beach
Yes, I said that.
How could the beaches here even slightly compare with those in Hawaii? I hadn't been able to muster up the courage to set myself up for such disappointment.
My children proved me wrong.
We found ourselves at Sandbridge running an errand for Gramma Judy. How could I possibly go to Sandbridge and not go to the beach? I knew where I was headed that morning and had mentioned it to the kids so they were suited up beneath their clothes but their lack of enthusiasm for hittin' the beach fueled my uncertianty. We parked and trudged through the sand without even taking towels 'cause everyone said they weren't getting in the water.
We got to the top of the last berm and saw the waves crashing into the shore.
Tara took a deep breath and surveyed the scene.
"Ahhhh! The smell of the ocean! Mom, I have missed that!!"
At that moment Tara and Big Guy began ripping off their clothes and disappeared into the murky water. How right she was. Later they came out splashing and happy and collapsed into the sand to begin digging in their continuous efforts to create a hot tub from a mere hole and the water that sneaks in.
I, too, had that wonderful feeling of calmness that washes over me in the presence of the ocean. The beautiful hues of blue dotted with black rocks and reef, palms and the glorious backdrop of the mountains was not there but the ocean remains a constant.
How could I have been so foolish?
Monday, August 11, 2008
The Pics
Saying Goodbye
View/Sign Guest Book
Michael J. Furey
Michael J. Furey, 68, of Kansas City, Mo., passed away Monday, July 21, 2008. A Rosary will be said at 6 p.m. followed by visitation at St. Thomas More Catholic Church, 11822 Holmes Road, on Wednesday, July 23. Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 10 a.m. on Thursday, July 24, at St. Thomas More Catholic Church, with burial following in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. The family requests no flowers, but memorial contributions may be made to The Cristina Furey Heart Foundation, or St. Thomas More Building Fund, or a charity of your choice. Mike was born on Nov. 7, 1939, and spent his entire life in Kansas City, Mo. He graduated from Hogan High School in 1956. After attending college, Mike worked for Melody McGilley Eiler Funeral Home for 10 years. He then went to work for Allied Concrete Products which he and his wife Judy purchased from Barney and Rosemarie Maguire and then headed the business for 30 years. Mike and Judy are also co-owners of Residential Sewage Treatment Company. In 2002, Mike and Judy retired to pursue their love of travel, the Lake of the Ozarks, relaxation and family. Mike was a long time member of the Knights of Columbus, the National Precast Concrete Association, Missouri Concrete Association and the Missouri Concrete Industry Board. Mike was a very active participant in parish life at Coronation of Our Lady Catholic Church, Grandview, Mo., for 28 years. Mike is preceded in death by his parents, Norris and Mabel Furey; brother, Joseph Furey; sisters, Betty Lutz and Martha Stoerman. Also preceding Mike in death are his children, Mickey Furey and Amy Furey; and his granddaughter, Cristina Furey. Mike is survived by his wife, Judy, of 50 years; his children, Bernie Furey (Kristi), Pete Furey (Amparo), Tammy Beatty, Pam Thurman (Doug), Kevin Furey (Maria); 15 wonderful grandchildren, which he cherished; sisters, Sister Jane Ellen Furey, SCL, Leavenworth, Kan., Mrs. Norrine Baggett (Frank), Shreveport, La., Sister Roberta Furey, SCL, Denver, Colo.; and sister-in-law, Faye Furey- Comeaux, Houston, Texas; mother and father-in-law, Barney and Rosemarie Maguire. Arr.: McGilley State Line Chapel (816) 942-6180.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Our first night in the new house!
Wait!! It's not Christmas! It just feels like it!
We stayed at the new house as a family! All of us! The boys stayed in their room, Tara was in hers and we stayed in ours! The dog and cat were in heaven because they didn't know which bed to crawl into. I probably shouldn't say bed. We still haven't received any shipments yet but we purchased another air mattress and Tara made a pallet on the floor. (For all you city people a pallett is a country word for layering blankets and sheets on the floor to provide comfort while sleeping.)
What prompted the big move from all the comforts and conveniences of Mom's house? Nothin' really. We just felt like it was time. Tara and Tyler have made some friends and I really want to finish this painting marathon I started. Monday our express pack should arrive which means the WII can be moved from Grandma's house too. The kids have been watching movies on the computer and Kev and I have been pilfering some one's WIFI so I feel no need to connect cable just yet. I may change my mind quickly but it's been nice without the idiot box always on.
One thing I have always loved is thunderstorms. Due to the temperate climate of Hawaii that is one thing that I dearly missed. This week Mother Nature has welcomed me home with some wonderful storms with lightening that turns night into day and thunder so loud you can feel it rattle your bones. It is very nice to swing on the screen porch and watch and feel the storms blow through the neighborhood. One more thing to love about this house that is still not ours.
The YMCA is becoming a daily adventure. I even got my parents to join. They have a super cool splash pad around the pool for the kids to enjoy and they are all of age now where I can leave them in one of their childwatch areas and work out. Some one else will watch my kids for 2 hrs so that I can do nothing but work out! How awesome IS that? The church that we used to drive from Virginia Beach to get to is just around the corner. We really need to make a conscious effort to get back into the habit but it has been difficult with the lack of routine. Some semblance of a family with a routine or schedule is what I am hoping for now that we, and our few belongings, are all under one roof.
I think we are settling in....just a little bit.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
We are here!! Sort of....
We stayed at the Hilton Hawaiian Village for our last days on island. They now accept pets and since it was right next door to the Hale Koa it was fabulous. What better way to spend our last days in Paradise. (I do so miss it and would have stayed forever!!)
I have 2 great jobs.
One is a GS at Portsmouth Naval doing the same job that I did in Hawaii in the OB Clinic. The hours are M-F 0745-1600. The hospital is 15 miles away and through a tunnel which means a half hour to 45 min commute.
The other is a L&D position at a hospital in Chesapeake. Hours are 3p-11p 3x a week and it is less than 5 miles away. No traffic and no commute time.
As much as I want the GS I would be foolish to turn down the other. Believe it or not I still haven't decided. I am currently working in Chesapeake (had to have a job to make the mortgage people happy) but my paperwork is processing for the other position also. Decisions! Decisions!
The house on Dolph is a short sale (Ha! That's an oxymoron!). We have been pursuing this short sale since May. We have painted the entire downstairs, added a light and a ceiling fan, cut down trees and we still don't now if it is ours. The sellers 1st mortgage paperwork has gone through. We are waiting on the second. Our furniture should arrive next week along with the Jeep.
We have been living in the house since we arrived. (Sort of, my mom lives around the corner.) The kicker is that until the house goes into closing we pay nothing for rent. Zip, zero, nadda dime! I have talked to people that have said a short sale can take up to 7 months. I say bring it on!! I am just pocketing cash that I can use to do more to the house later. So for now we are just waiting.... and painting. But hey! Paint is cheap and it's just a little sweat equity on my part!!
Kevin and the kids are in KC. They stayed busy there as always. They went to a Royals game, took a train ride and the kids have spent lots of time with all their cousins. They went to the lake for a few days and the kids (Tara and Tyler) learned to water ski. Baby Trey learned the joys of a life jacket and spent his days jumping from the the dock into the water and climbing out to do it again! I flew in last Thursday to celebrate Mike and Judy's 50th wedding anniversary. It was a wonderful event and I hope to be able to go back in October to celebrate Barney and Rose's 75th wedding anniversary. Wow! I am in awe and very proud to be a part of the family.
So, I am now back in the house we don't own and Kevin and the kids are driving back as we speak. I may take the kids to the Outer Banks for a few days and Kevin finally has to report in to his new command. He is very excited to be back in a functioning command that serves a real purpose and back amongst longtime friends. For both of us, it's like coming home. I'll post pics later and I hope to get some from their KC adventures.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Monday, April 07, 2008
Kalua Pig
2 Tbsp Hawaiian salt
1 (1/2 inch) slice ginger, crushed
1/4 C Soy
1 Tbsp liquid smoke
1 tsp Worcestershire
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 4-5 lb pork butt
Ti or banana leaves (opt)
Mix together first 6 ingredients. Place pork on leaves, rub with seasonings and let stand one hour. Fold leaves around pork. Wrap in foil. Place in baking pan and bake at 325 for 4-5 hours. Unwrap, shred, serve.
-Best of the Best From Hawaii
When I do the Kalua Pig I use a crock pot with or without Ti leaves. When the roast is done I remove the meat and leave the juice. Skim the fat off the top of the juice and add sliced cabbage. As I shred the meat I add it back in and allow to sit for 15 min or until the cabbage is crisp-tender, not soggy. Serve with white rice!!
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Big Guy up to Bat
Big Guy is playing T-ball but the rules are a little different this year. The league is allowing a coach to pitch to the kids. After three tries they can hit off the tee. Tyler hit the first pitch each time up to bat. After this swing the coach high-fived Big Guy for almost knocking him in the head!!
Aloha Spirit!
Tara participated in the International Aloha Spirit Cheer Comp at the Waikiki Shell. They competed for 2 days and their score was based on both days of competition. The MCBH D Dogs took first place in their division. This video is day 2!
Da' Flowrider!
Hula hula!
This video from Paradise Cove is a video of the kids doing the hula on stage. Jamie, Tara and Trey are right in the middle and Big Guy is hidding behind the "coach" in the grass skirt.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Mr. Obama- your response please!
Feb 19, 2008 8:02 PM
My name is Nate and up front I will say that I am not an Obama supporter. I am in the Marines and I have served in Iraq.
I just finished watching Obama giving a speech about hope. He spoke of having a different mind set then the one which led us to the war in Iraq. Then he spoke about hope.
The hope our founding fathers felt when facing the British...the hope the slaves felt...the hope women had to have the same rights as men...the hope our "finest generation" had while taking on facism and evil in Hitler's Nazi Germany, (not to be likened to Sadam's dictatorship at all, that is the wrong mindset and totally different).
Mr. Obama forgot about some people that are important to me...what about the hope that the Iraqi people have to one day be free from oppression and terrorism? The hope made possible by our "wrong mindset." By our Marines, Soldiers, Airmen, and Sailors. By our commitment to helping them to get out from the dictatorship of Sadam and to conquer the radical muslims. By President Bush's determination to not abandon our effort and to stand by freedom and democracy.
Mr. Obama was against helping these people all along, dont forget that, he always brings it up when it is popular. I wonder if he would stand by that comment if asked, "what about the hope of a nation in need of our help?"
Monday, February 04, 2008
How long will we be without housing?
How do we make all of these trips occur in a timely manner?
Can I really travel across country with my children and not kill them all?
Can we live in a pop-up on the beach until we get housing??
Will the base be as I remember?
How are the schools?
Will Kev be gone all the time?
Where will I work?
Will I be able to put Trey in the CDC?
Will my kids be happy?
How long will the blogstipation last?
Are you still reading this list? Hehehe!!
These thoughts and many more have turned my brain to mush. See? Blogstipated!!
Tara has really started concentrating on cheering. Her comp season is approaching and I just hope they will do as well as last year. After 2 1/2 years of trying to persuade her to take gymnastics she finally said yesterday she wanted to start. Great timing! She is still growing so fast she doesn't even have time to break in her clothes. I swear she has legs from her neck down. Another thought from the future: We will live close to the Outlet Mall in Camarillo and a Target. Hoorahh! I can't remeber if there is a Kohl's in Ventura. Gotta check that out.
Tyler has been seeing the docs about his ongoing speech issues. He has improved but not as quickly as we had thought. He had a hearing test and he passed but the doc said his R drum was not vibrating as much as it should so now we are waiting for our appointment with the ENT docs. I certainly hope he discovers something that is fixable. Audiology doc thought perhaps a drain if there was fluid but I am not sure how that works if there is no infection to build up the fluid. Pshew...guess that's why we see an ENT. I sure hope it is something as simple as a blockage/fluid etc.
Tyler has become a football savant. He sat on the couch yesterday and watched almost the entire game. Enthusiastically I might add. I really didn't care who won but cheered for the Giants simply because they took down the Cowboys. Tyler would come into the kitchen and inform me of the score if I wasn't watching. When I told him I was rooting for the Giants he scowled at me and walked away. He got to the door, turned and said "Ma! Giants gonna lose!" Ha! Joke's on him!!
Baby Trey was very happy with my birthday cake. The cake was very cute BTW. My dear friend Emily had Happy Almost 40th Birthday Maria! written on it. When the kids came back for seconds after the game Trey was egged on to take a big bite out of it. He was a cake monster! I am waiting for Em to send me the pics so I can post 'em. Baby Trey is amazing us everyday with all he has to say. His letter recognition is getting better and anytime he sees letters he is pointing them out and telling you what (some) they are!!
Kev is still in Dallas and won't be home for about a month. We actually connected to Windows Live Messenger so we can video conference with each other. The kids love it cause they can see Daddy. It is very cool and something I wish we had done sooner.
So I am now 39. No big deal. I'm looking foward to 40!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
More Family is Coming!!
Somehow the moon and stars must be aligned in some perfect order allowing all things to be wonderful. I called this morning and was able to make a reservation for yet another cabin here on our beautiful beach. The B Furey family will be vacationing here Feb 8-17. These dates are rather significant because they include the weekend of the Pro-Bowl. Pete Furey made plans last year to be here for the Pro-Bowl and will have 3 friends with him. My- what a fab time that will be!! Sorry Kev, do well in school!!! ;) We will miss you!
Alicia has sent an email with plans to come in late Feb for a few days. Mom is coming Mar 4th and Barb keeps claiming she will make it out here too before we move. Kelly and Lexi want to come again in April and Judy will be here in May. I need to find some time to escape to California before we leave too.
Speaking of California it is looking more and more like the Dillon's may get orders to Mugu also. Em and I have joked that once again she shall be the social coordinator and I will be the activities director. I like to go go go and she meets people and draws in friends like flies to ...... well you get the idea. Looks like the Am Coffee Club will continue!!
My dear children are getting excited about moving. I have no idea how this will all pan out but I believe we will be traveling most of the summer while waiting for housing. This is a caution to any and all- I may show up on your doorstep with the children in tow so make plans now to skip town! It may be your only escape from us darkening your door!!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Happy whatever the occasion may be that I have missed lately!!
Merry Christmas!!
Happy New Year!!
Yes- I suck! I've been gone a while and I make no promises for the future but...... I have been posting pictures. Check those out if you haven't.
Kevin is now gone for 2 months (boooo! hiisss! come home! We miss you already!)
We have family coming in on the 8th. Yeah! Time for some island fun!!