Anyone been to a high school football game lately? I took the kids to see the Hawks vs the Wild Cats last night. It was raining when we got there so as we huddled under the umbrella I got a chance to observe.
I was curious. I probably haven't been to a high school game in about 20 years. With all the talk of gangs and the violence in schools, I was a little nervous when we arrived and had to go through a metal detector. Once upon a time when kids walked around the track they would stop and chat and visit with others as they made the loop. Not anymore. Now there are security/sheriffs/cops that remind all to keep moving. Like a momma lion I kept my little cubs close.
The game began with the band playing the Star Spangled Banner and I forgot my fears. The kids here were like any other. They talked and cheered, the team played hard and the bands performed. The air was filled with the smell of hot dogs and popcorn and if I hadn't had my own kids with me, it could have been a scene from 20 years ago.
The kids loved it. The local news had a helicopter that landed behind the field, the dance squad performed, the cheerleaders cheered and the band had a great show. It was a live football game and we all yelled and stomped along with everyone else!
It may have been a little more cautious than what I remember, but I saw nothing to fear. No gang colors, no fights among rival students and I didn't even hear a bad word. I am sure this stuff goes on, but I can happily report I saw none of it here.
My children loved the excitement, I loved that they enjoyed it and we will happily return!!
Paradise? Found it! Paradise has become of my own design through my family, the places I live and explore and my friends! Life is good!!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
It's all in the details...
The structure is not a basic house- it is an ancient Hawaiian thatched hut. The grey area is Tapa cloth covering the doorway and the square is a woven welcome mat.
The big tree is just as it appears. A large palm that Daddy is climbing to retrieve the coconuts.
The other tree is hanging low with bananas about to be picked.
The person to the far left is a marine biologist collecting samples of marine life to study the stability of the ocean. (I am not making this up people!)
The person under the house has collected fronds and is making Tapa cloth like the ancients.
The people fishing are trying to catch Mahi and Ahi.
The 2 girls are sitting and waiting for the coconuts so they can crack them for milk and fresh coconut meat.
Do you think she misses Hawaii? Just a little bit? Maybe she's feeling a little displaced?
Just when I think were all a little better, I get a very detailed reminder of what we lost.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The second graders here have a field trip each year to Jamestown. Tara missed out on this so we are doing our part to help her catch up. I don't want to admit it, but I don't remember ever going myself.
Last Saturday we loaded our van and made the drive to Williamsburg. The weather was perfect. We sat through the introductory movie and we all got our history lesson for the day.
We spent a couple of hours roaming the grounds and I kept my fingers crossed that the Furey kids wouldn't destroy any National Landmarks.
They climbed across ruins, stared into old wells, and really wanted to dig in the current archaeological dig site. We wandered through the museums and got a feel for what life was like for the first settlers. The kids sampled Brunswick Stew and declared it "yummy". They watched the fairy go back and forth across the river and spotted (and stalked) lots of deer. Tara was amazed at the pictures of Pocahontas after she married John Rolf and went back to England. Tyler wondered how all those people traveled on the little boats in the display case. Trey was just happy to get out of the stroller and run free.
Kevin and I enjoyed the awesome weather and watching the kids happy and carefree. I took advantage and snapped some pics. Look for those on the Photo page.
September is almost over and October is approaching. I have succumbed to my urges and have gleefully been cooking pots of pinto beans rich with ham and potatoes, chili with black beans, kidney beans and chunks of beef, and cornbread baked in a cast iron skillet. Yes, I have embraced my southern roots and have been enjoying my journey through the seasons and the approaching crisp and coolness that is fall.
My house has been filled with the wonderful aroma of baking bread. A friend from work gave me a starter for Amish Friendship Bread. I have now been baking bread every 10 days. My freezer will soon be full and my neighbors will reap the rewards during the holidays. I have been experimenting so now the basic recipe has expanded to include cranberry, blueberry and pumpkin. Pumpkin you say? Yes, pumpkin- blame it on fall, y'all!!
I have even been able to dig through my closet and find clothes that aren't specifically designed for island life. I am adjusting well. When it really gets cold- check back. I may recess back into the depths of my brain and remain comatose till spring. Hibernation I think they call it. But for now I am okay.
I am looking forward to driving through the mountains to gather apples in the orchards and play in the fallen leaves. My brain will get a visual boost of adrenaline while I stare mesmerized at the beauty the trees display as the leaves change from green to fall's assorted color palette. Hopefully the kids will stop watching that DVD of Tom & Jerry long enough to notice too and if I am not interrupting an important NFL game schedule it may be a good day for all!!!
Tara and Kevin both share my enthusiasm. Sort of.
Tara wakes each morning and asks "Is it cold?" I think it has more to do with the boots she's not allowed to wear yet, but I can interpret any way I want.
Kevin asks the same as he bundles sweats over shorts. His daily question and answer come from anxiety over the cold ride he knows is coming in his Jeep- with no back window.
Each morning I decide on what the kids are going to wear and leave it on the sofa. Tyler came down one morning and sleepily grabbed his clothes. I was in the kitchen preparing lunches and not really noticing his struggle.
"Ma!" His tone was that of a question so I was still making a PB&J.
"Ma!!!!" This one got my attention. I looked up to see my boy with one hand on the waist band of his pants practically to his armpits. The other hand was yanking on his pant leg trying in vain to make it stay above his knee.
"Ma!!! Why I got to wear these long shorts???!!!"
While I yanked on the adjustable tabs at the waistband I tried to explain the concept of shorts vs pants. He continued to call them "long shorts" for days. He is still asking on a regular basis if we can go to the pool. I should take him and throw him in. Then he might realize it's just a little too cold for the pool but I doubt the good people at the Y would understand the lesson I would be trying to instill in his pee brain. That's my boy!!
The AC is now switched to OFF. The windows are open. There's a scarecrow on the porch and a pumpkin in the flowerbed under the little garden flag that says "Welcome Fall". There is a bird feeder hanging under the eaves of the porch next to a window so the kids can watch. Grass is beginning to grow in the dust bowl of my backyard. The kids are looking forward to a Friday night high school football game. The geese honk as they fly over and we are anticipating a visit to the pumpkin patch.
Shhhhh!!! Don't tell anyone! I love this time of year!!
My house has been filled with the wonderful aroma of baking bread. A friend from work gave me a starter for Amish Friendship Bread. I have now been baking bread every 10 days. My freezer will soon be full and my neighbors will reap the rewards during the holidays. I have been experimenting so now the basic recipe has expanded to include cranberry, blueberry and pumpkin. Pumpkin you say? Yes, pumpkin- blame it on fall, y'all!!
I have even been able to dig through my closet and find clothes that aren't specifically designed for island life. I am adjusting well. When it really gets cold- check back. I may recess back into the depths of my brain and remain comatose till spring. Hibernation I think they call it. But for now I am okay.
I am looking forward to driving through the mountains to gather apples in the orchards and play in the fallen leaves. My brain will get a visual boost of adrenaline while I stare mesmerized at the beauty the trees display as the leaves change from green to fall's assorted color palette. Hopefully the kids will stop watching that DVD of Tom & Jerry long enough to notice too and if I am not interrupting an important NFL game schedule it may be a good day for all!!!
Tara and Kevin both share my enthusiasm. Sort of.
Tara wakes each morning and asks "Is it cold?" I think it has more to do with the boots she's not allowed to wear yet, but I can interpret any way I want.
Kevin asks the same as he bundles sweats over shorts. His daily question and answer come from anxiety over the cold ride he knows is coming in his Jeep- with no back window.
Each morning I decide on what the kids are going to wear and leave it on the sofa. Tyler came down one morning and sleepily grabbed his clothes. I was in the kitchen preparing lunches and not really noticing his struggle.
"Ma!" His tone was that of a question so I was still making a PB&J.
"Ma!!!!" This one got my attention. I looked up to see my boy with one hand on the waist band of his pants practically to his armpits. The other hand was yanking on his pant leg trying in vain to make it stay above his knee.
"Ma!!! Why I got to wear these long shorts???!!!"
While I yanked on the adjustable tabs at the waistband I tried to explain the concept of shorts vs pants. He continued to call them "long shorts" for days. He is still asking on a regular basis if we can go to the pool. I should take him and throw him in. Then he might realize it's just a little too cold for the pool but I doubt the good people at the Y would understand the lesson I would be trying to instill in his pee brain. That's my boy!!
The AC is now switched to OFF. The windows are open. There's a scarecrow on the porch and a pumpkin in the flowerbed under the little garden flag that says "Welcome Fall". There is a bird feeder hanging under the eaves of the porch next to a window so the kids can watch. Grass is beginning to grow in the dust bowl of my backyard. The kids are looking forward to a Friday night high school football game. The geese honk as they fly over and we are anticipating a visit to the pumpkin patch.
Shhhhh!!! Don't tell anyone! I love this time of year!!
Friday, September 05, 2008
First Week Down
The first week is coming to a close and we have adjusted well.
Big Guy says he likes his new school and he loves being able to ride the bus. He has computers in the classroom and he is meeting friends. He gets a stamp daily if he has had good behavior and he has one everyday. He hasn't forgotten his name tag so he gets a new sticker each afternoon also. The play ground is apparently nicer than the one at Mokapu so that is a huge bonus.
Tara is very happy. She has been to the library, kids do morning announcements, and they have a real gym. She has no worries of ants attacking her lunch and she loves the air conditioned classrooms. But most of all she says her teacher is fun!!!
Tyler is to play AYSO soccer this year. We have team assignments and practice starts next week unless Hanna or Ike cause too many problems. The teams are done by area so it will most likely be full of kids from BRP.
Tara got a call from her troop leader and she will be involved in Brownies. Hiking, camping, ice skating, crafts and general "do-gooder" stuff is right up her alley.
Work has been crazy. I have been pulling some extra hours but when it's 4 hrs at a time and it's only 5 min away it's easy! (And when they pay me time and half it's way worth it!!) Kevin has been doing some late flights so when he's around in the morning I can do these little extras. I am hoping these night flights continue so I can get up to the school and do a little volunteering. When the kids jump on the bus each day and I never see their teacher I am feeling a little detached. Communication seems to be okay though because both emails I have sent have been almost instantly answered.
My job has truly been a blessing. I get to be home all day with the kids and I am only gone 3 evenings a week and then Gramma or Daddy is with them. If you haven't been updated I did turn down the GS position. They were very nice and said when I have more time they will pass my resume around if I am interested. I hear they are supposed to make L&D nurses a GS12 next year so maybe then.....
Kevin says he will be leaving in October rather than January. He'll be gone for 4 months and miss the holidays and Tyler's birthday. I can't complain, in 9 years he has never missed a Christmas. He is loving being back in helos. He attended a reunion of the Vietnam H-6o guys in Nashville recently. I have never heard Kevin so humbled by any event in his life. He was inspired and awed by the stories, lives and medals these guys had attained. What an awesome experience for him and the rest of the guys that attended this event!
The weather gurus say we are in few a rough few days. Hopefully nothing too serious. I have battened down the hatches though (plants off the front porch, umbrella off the table, and I had to save the bamboo chimes!) in preparation for the wind I am sure we will have. Not too many worries since we took all the trees down! The kids are excited by their first storm. I am just hoping not to be sitting around in the dark for a couple of days!!
I hear Gramma Judy is coming in October! You'll have to send me your itinerary. We can't wait to see you!
Big Guy says he likes his new school and he loves being able to ride the bus. He has computers in the classroom and he is meeting friends. He gets a stamp daily if he has had good behavior and he has one everyday. He hasn't forgotten his name tag so he gets a new sticker each afternoon also. The play ground is apparently nicer than the one at Mokapu so that is a huge bonus.
Tara is very happy. She has been to the library, kids do morning announcements, and they have a real gym. She has no worries of ants attacking her lunch and she loves the air conditioned classrooms. But most of all she says her teacher is fun!!!
Tyler is to play AYSO soccer this year. We have team assignments and practice starts next week unless Hanna or Ike cause too many problems. The teams are done by area so it will most likely be full of kids from BRP.
Tara got a call from her troop leader and she will be involved in Brownies. Hiking, camping, ice skating, crafts and general "do-gooder" stuff is right up her alley.
Work has been crazy. I have been pulling some extra hours but when it's 4 hrs at a time and it's only 5 min away it's easy! (And when they pay me time and half it's way worth it!!) Kevin has been doing some late flights so when he's around in the morning I can do these little extras. I am hoping these night flights continue so I can get up to the school and do a little volunteering. When the kids jump on the bus each day and I never see their teacher I am feeling a little detached. Communication seems to be okay though because both emails I have sent have been almost instantly answered.
My job has truly been a blessing. I get to be home all day with the kids and I am only gone 3 evenings a week and then Gramma or Daddy is with them. If you haven't been updated I did turn down the GS position. They were very nice and said when I have more time they will pass my resume around if I am interested. I hear they are supposed to make L&D nurses a GS12 next year so maybe then.....
Kevin says he will be leaving in October rather than January. He'll be gone for 4 months and miss the holidays and Tyler's birthday. I can't complain, in 9 years he has never missed a Christmas. He is loving being back in helos. He attended a reunion of the Vietnam H-6o guys in Nashville recently. I have never heard Kevin so humbled by any event in his life. He was inspired and awed by the stories, lives and medals these guys had attained. What an awesome experience for him and the rest of the guys that attended this event!
The weather gurus say we are in few a rough few days. Hopefully nothing too serious. I have battened down the hatches though (plants off the front porch, umbrella off the table, and I had to save the bamboo chimes!) in preparation for the wind I am sure we will have. Not too many worries since we took all the trees down! The kids are excited by their first storm. I am just hoping not to be sitting around in the dark for a couple of days!!
I hear Gramma Judy is coming in October! You'll have to send me your itinerary. We can't wait to see you!
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
First Day of School!!
Woohoo! Yeah! First day back to school! Mom was sooooo excited! The kids? Well, yeah, they were excited too!
Tara had me drive her since that is what we did on her first day in Hawaii. Tyler skipped all that and jumped right on the bus.
Trey was a little disappointed that he didn't get to go to school. So when Big Guy waved good-bye Trey and I went inside to pack his backpack. We fixed a snack, added a sipee of chocolate milk and threw in a diaper and a few wipes just in case. He put his little shoes on the correct feet and loaded himself into the van. I was explaining how much fun he would have in his "classroom" at the Y (okay it's just daycare for the length of time I work out but what does he know?) and he was genuinely excited.
I drove all of 3 blocks before he fell soundly asleep.
My plans are normally veered off their desired course so I easily found things to keep me occupied in the van for an hour of nap time. I found my way to the gym and a very rested boy had a great time playing with others and new toys too!
Tara and Tyler ran off the buses with smiles on their faces and wonderful stories of their first day. Yeeaaa! I so hope they stay this happy!
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