Tuesday, February 13, 2007


George, Grandaddy, Daddy, Jo, Gramma and Peggy

If you hadn't noticed by now, when I haven't posted in a while it's simply because their is craziness going on somewhere or somehow in our lives. This particular month Baby Trey has been sick, I have had surgery and my dear Aunt Peggy is dying. Trey has had a fever and not been himself and has required lots of coddeling. I had surgery and that required pre-op appointments. Usually it would have been one pre-op appointment but the procedure had to be put off for several days so I spent extra time at Tripler because we had to do the pre-op stuff twice. I won't bore you with the details but the procedure was done so that I could comfortably jump on the trampoline after having three kids after the age of 30. Not medically necessary, but I wanted it done and it has taken a few months now to make it happen.
My dear Aunt is lying in Lake Taylor Hospital actively dying. It seems for some reason people in our family never die peacefully in their sleep. My great-grandfather and both of my fathers parents were all in the hospital clinging to life before they passed and went, to what I believe, must certainly be heaven. Now my Aunt Peggy is doing the same. This is where I find strength and pride in the family. We may not see each other every Sunday or even once a month but when someone is in the hospital you discover individual strengths that you may not have realized were there before. My family is there everyday holding vigil by her bedside. They may laugh occasionally and they may cry but they are there for each other. My Aunt Jo is now on her way from Georgia and Uncle George is coming in from Texas. I am stuck in Hawaii. I don't think I can make the trip with the 3 kids and Kevin has to fly to Africa so there is no leaving them here with him. I am struggling with this because there is no where I would rather be than there at the hospital. Not that I could do any more than anyone else, it is just the being there that is important. My Aunt has worked hard all of her life and seemed to retire just in time to take care of my grandmother when her health was failing. Peggy lived around the corner from my Gramma and saw her everyday, usually twice a day. She had breakfast with her, took her to the doctor, the bank, the grocery store and in general, made Gramma's life easier. I envied the time she spent with Gramma and we will all be eternally grateful for the care and comfort she provided. Shortly after Gramma died Peggy was told she had breast cancer. She has battled with cancer and had her ups and downs but recently she developed an infection from which she couldn't recover. So this is where we are. I should pick up the phone and get my morning report but she was so fragile yesterday I am scared to make the call. When life ends too soon it always seems so unfair. It was Peggy's turn to sit back and enjoy retirement and finally worry about nothing but herself. I recently went home for a super quick visit and we made time to stop in at Peggy's house to say hello. I thank God every day that we took the time to make that visit. Peggy was always happy to see you and always had a smile on her face. I will miss you Peggy and you will always be in my heart!! I guess it is time to make that call.......

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