Everyone has a place that they go to unwind, relax and be at peace. If you read this site, you know for me it's the beach. I had only one purpose yesterday and that was get to the ocean, sit in the sand and dive into the crystal blue waters that restore my inner balance. Aaaahhhhh. We brought nine kids. Pam brought seven. Did I care? Nope. They played football, had chicken fights, rode the waves, did some skim boarding, explored the jetty, gathered "sand turtles",played a little bb, walked to the park and played in the sand. Pam had a blast playing with all the kids. She was in need of a little fun in the sun too! Melissa, Celeste and I kicked back, had a Corona and watched the day unfold from our chairs by the waters edge. Back at the house I finished up a novel I was reading. The book is called Molokai and chronicles the life of a girl sent to the island's Leper Settlement in the late 1800's. It's a historical novel about Hawaii and it's a great read. Dinner was a done deal as we stopped at Fat Ron's on the way home. Not my idea, but it was an easy way to appease the angry mob of hungry children. I ate my left overs from my thawed out freezer. It was a great day and a great way to erase the last few days. Now, if only I could find the energy to clean my house. There are more pictures posted.
I forgot to add a funny here. After her bath last night, Tara came down the steps in the beginning stages of a full blown crying fit. She was balling and sniffling and she fell into my arms and said "Mom, I am too young to die, I don't want to die! Look at my toe! Are they going to cut it off or am I going to die?" She sobbed and cried. When I could finally understand what she was saying, I looked at her toe. Apparently while playing on the rocks she stubbed it pretty badly. The toe is bruised and the nail is too. The nail will probably come off but I kept that to myself. She was sitting on the couch a little later and looked down and said "Mom, that looks horrendous. It's it going to be better by the time I go back to school?" LOL :)
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