It's Spring Break!!! WOOHOO!!! No getting up early, fights at bedtime and the morning rush? Forget about it!!! At least for a week.
Kev left Wednesday for a det in Vegas. Not a lot of pity in my heart for this separation. I just can't bring myself to feel bad for him, can you?? We actually left before him for a little trip ourselves. My mom, the kids and I are staying at a campground in Maryland and are enjoying DC. This is my first time without a vehicle so we have been getting around only by the Metro and it has been fabulous.
It rained yesterday so we spent the day in the Museum of Natural History and the Museum of American History. (Amparo we didn't call Steve. Trey tends to set the tone for the day so you never know when he'll be "done" so it's never a good idea to have a set plan. Thanks for thinking of us and perhaps next year??) They are still a bit young for most exhibits but they saw enough to keep them happy and walked enough to make them tired.
Today we woke to bright sunshine. What a change a day makes. We closeted the coats and umbrellas and found the t-shirts and sunglasses and spent the day on a walking tour. Our chosen stop today on the Metro was Chinatown. When we walked above ground right in front of me was a Radio Shack. Hooray! I had forgotten my camera so I picked up a little digital that will now have a permanent home in the camper. We wandered by the Ford Theatre and we gave the kids the verbal history and made a pit stop at a hot dog vendor. It was sitting right in front of a Micky D's and yet we had no complaints! Amazing!! Next we visited the Spy Museum across from the FBI HQ. That was really interesting but again, we could have spent hours more if we didn't have to humor the little ones.
We kept walking and strolled across in front of the White House. The Washington Monument rose high and beckoned us over, so off we went. Across the lawn is the Lincoln Memorial and in between is the WW II memorial that I had never seen. Trey stayed in the stroller and the kids kept going. Tara and Mom went up into the Lincoln Mem while I took Tyler into the bathroom for a quick bath after he slid across the mud while puddle jumping. I broke out some change and played a little game of I Spy. That was cool watching them pick out the memorials associated with the back of their pocket change. We walked by the Vietnam Memorial and then headed through the GWU campus on our way to the Metro.
We made it back to the campground, had a simple dinner and the kids got to ride their bikes, play at the park and take a dip into the hot tub. I think tomorrow is the Zoo but for now they are all sleeping soundly. I am going to join them in deep exhausted sleep. Good Night!
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