Friday, April 20, 2007

New Trampoline

It's Aloha Friday! Soon the kids will all be home and the madness that is every weekend shall begin. There is no homework over the weekend so as soon as the kids get home they are out the door to play. Tonight a friend of ours is having a wet down, or in non-military speak, an advancement party. I volunteered to keep the kids here for a few friends so the chaos will be more than usual. Tyler has t-ball practice tonight from 4:30-5:30 so there should be a little normalcy amidst the chaotic. My friend Kelly bought the kids a new trampoline while she was visiting. We have had one out our back gate practically since we moved in but it has become a little "worn". Now we have one inside the fence and this makes Baby Trey very happy. He loves to jump on the tramp. He loves it so much that even when he comes inside and sits on the couch we have to keep a close eye on the boy cause he jumps up in the air and plops down, usually way to close to the edge to keep Mom's breathing even. There are new rules for the trampolines. The one in the yard is designated for the little kids and the one in the back is for the bigger kids. Any bets on how long the rules shall be abided by?? I am putting a picture of the new tramp here and I want to again thank Kelly and Lexi. It will be the most used gift ever. Thanks!

This is actually a cleverly taken picture to mask the obvious signs of the children that live and play here. My yard would make Sanford and Sons proud. The bikes, the toys, the blow-up pool, the Lego table, all in their bright primary colors, leaves one to wonder if I am having a continuous yard sale. Another advantage that I credit the new tramp with, is that it masks some of the clutter by hiding it either behind it's sheer size or by making it less obtrusive behind the haze of the enclosure. I can now sit on the lanai in obscurity and pretend that I have the most manicured, well cared for yard- ever!!

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