Monday, May 21, 2007


Kevin is still gone so we remain very busy. Tara is still playing volleyball and her serve is shaping up nicely. Tyler had a t-ball game Saturday and played the "pitcher" position. He was so proud ........ and so was I! He was stopping the ball and throwing straight to home or first base. Mother's day weekend we spent relaxing at the Hale Koa. That Saturday we had a late night at the Barefoot Bar with friends and Sunday we lay poolside enjoying the peace and freedom the pool and a lifeguard granted us. We took a bucket of chicken home and it was a stress free day.
Pre-school, CCD, speech therapy and school is all coming to an end. Each have been having conferences, meetings and teacher appreciation activities. Add to that our sport practices and games, first communion, field trips, talent shows, doctors appointments and life in general **sigh** I am ready for a little me time. I can't wait for Kevin to get home!! I can't wait for summer too!! I am longing for lazy days without homework and mandatory bed and bath times. I am even anxious to go back to work. How scary is that??
Anybody ever sit back and wonder "Why??" Let me explain a part of my Saturday. I gather the kids and get Tara and Tyler both dressed in their uniforms. Tara has a game at 9:15 in town and Tyler has an 11:00 here at the base. We get to the gym and Ray (he coaches a different t-ball team) tells me he plays at 11 and it's not against our t-ball team. I make a few rushed calls and find out Tyler's game started at 9. This is a big deal!! Tyler cannot miss a game or he will be impossible! I talk to another parent and make arrangements for Tara to get home. The boys and I jump in the jeep and we're off! I was early for volleyball and know I can make it back to base in about 20 min and therefore Tyler will only miss about half of his game. As I am racing down the road, the baby is playing with a small plastic hammer with a hole in the handle so that it can hang on the plastic workbench to which it belongs. Once I get to the freeway, baby Trey starts screaming from the back. Apparently my youngest has somehow gotten his finger stuck in the hole in the handle of the hammer. (Why???) As he is screaming, and I am driving, I am trying to work the hammer from side-to-side to try and get his wedged finger loose. Tyler is yelling "His finger! His finger!" Trey is still screaming so I grab a water bottle, dump it onto the offending finger and hammer and finally wiggle it free! This is still occurring as I am driving down the freeway racing to Tyler's game. I dropped Tyler off and headed home to change my now soaked baby and then raced back to watch Ty. I promise! I do not make this stuff up. What is it about boys that makes it possible to get their finger stuck in the hole of a toy or their feet stuck in the rungs of a chair?? Why do these things happen?? Anyhoo, Tyler made it in time to play over half of his game and Trey still plays with the hammer.
I have added a couple pics lately so check those out if you haven't!! Later...

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