Monday, February 04, 2008


I apologize for those that search and find nothing new here. I admit it. I've been blogstipated. Although I love this island with every ounce of my being, the simple fact that I know we are leaving has left me without anything new to say. My thoughts have moved to the future and all of the HUGE changes that are going to occur to me and my family.

How long will we be without housing?
How do we make all of these trips occur in a timely manner?
Can I really travel across country with my children and not kill them all?
Can we live in a pop-up on the beach until we get housing??
Will the base be as I remember?
How are the schools?
Will Kev be gone all the time?
Where will I work?
Will I be able to put Trey in the CDC?
Will my kids be happy?
How long will the blogstipation last?
Are you still reading this list? Hehehe!!

These thoughts and many more have turned my brain to mush. See? Blogstipated!!

Tara has really started concentrating on cheering. Her comp season is approaching and I just hope they will do as well as last year. After 2 1/2 years of trying to persuade her to take gymnastics she finally said yesterday she wanted to start. Great timing! She is still growing so fast she doesn't even have time to break in her clothes. I swear she has legs from her neck down. Another thought from the future: We will live close to the Outlet Mall in Camarillo and a Target. Hoorahh! I can't remeber if there is a Kohl's in Ventura. Gotta check that out.

Tyler has been seeing the docs about his ongoing speech issues. He has improved but not as quickly as we had thought. He had a hearing test and he passed but the doc said his R drum was not vibrating as much as it should so now we are waiting for our appointment with the ENT docs. I certainly hope he discovers something that is fixable. Audiology doc thought perhaps a drain if there was fluid but I am not sure how that works if there is no infection to build up the fluid. Pshew...guess that's why we see an ENT. I sure hope it is something as simple as a blockage/fluid etc.

Tyler has become a football savant. He sat on the couch yesterday and watched almost the entire game. Enthusiastically I might add. I really didn't care who won but cheered for the Giants simply because they took down the Cowboys. Tyler would come into the kitchen and inform me of the score if I wasn't watching. When I told him I was rooting for the Giants he scowled at me and walked away. He got to the door, turned and said "Ma! Giants gonna lose!" Ha! Joke's on him!!

Baby Trey was very happy with my birthday cake. The cake was very cute BTW. My dear friend Emily had Happy Almost 40th Birthday Maria! written on it. When the kids came back for seconds after the game Trey was egged on to take a big bite out of it. He was a cake monster! I am waiting for Em to send me the pics so I can post 'em. Baby Trey is amazing us everyday with all he has to say. His letter recognition is getting better and anytime he sees letters he is pointing them out and telling you what (some) they are!!

Kev is still in Dallas and won't be home for about a month. We actually connected to Windows Live Messenger so we can video conference with each other. The kids love it cause they can see Daddy. It is very cool and something I wish we had done sooner.

So I am now 39. No big deal. I'm looking foward to 40!!

1 comment:

blunoz said...

Enjoyed reading your blog. Sounds like we have a bit in common and have posted some very similar blog posts and pictures from our adventures around the island.

Like you, we are also facing a PCS transfer looming over the horizon, and it just puts a damper on making new friends because you're just going to leave in a few months.

Happy Birthday btw! Sorry DH is gone for your birthday. We know how that goes. Luckily, I'll be in port for my wife's birthday THIS year.

Take care, and keep us "posted" on how your HHG shipment and POV shipment all go.