Saturday mornings are always a little nutty when Tara has a game on the other side of the island. It doesn't help when Kevin has to "run to work real quick", I am on an early morning cleaning rampage, the kids need baths, Trey has a runny nose and a friend's child is at the house that we will be taking to the game with us. Did I mention they all need to eat, get dressed, brush their teeth etc, etc.? We all get ready and leave the house every morning, why is it that Saturdays are crazy? I'll tell you why- it's my mothers fault!! The only difference between a Saturday and any other day is a genetic defect passed on from my mother that expects me to clean the house. Now, please don't get me wrong, this doesn't happen every Saturday but when the mood strikes- yikes!!!! Just call me Linda- my head spins and fangs show. So....eventually the kids were dressed, ready and fed, my house was cleaned (thanks Mom!) and we made it to Pearl Harbor, on time, for the game which occurred without incident. The island has a pumpkin patch and since Halloween is quickly approaching and I love to carve pumpkins off we went. There were ponies to be ridden, fields to search for just the right pumpkin, small farm animals to pet and lots of Kodak moments. If you want to see all the pictures find the 2006 Halloween Fun set at More Photos Here! When we left we were all starving so we went to Chuck E. Cheese. We fed them, gave them lots of tokens and then sat back and watched as they ran from one machine to the next on a quest to be the one to get the most tickets out of one machine!!! It is nice to be able to watch without having to actively participate. Peace for Mom and Dad....

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