Tyler was very excited this morning. Today was the day he got to take goody- bags to school for Halloween. He was up at 7, dressed and ready to leave. His school doesn't start till 8:15. The night before he had sat and watched as I packed orange, black and purple bags with an assortment of spooky toys. I packed all 20 bags into another sac and he sat by the front door, holding the bag full of treats--waiting.
Tara woke and announced that she was sick. This is a child who is never sick. Sometimes she sounds as if she barely has any voice at all (Kevin calls this her "cool voice") and she will tell you that she feels just fine. So today when she said she was sick, I went through my mental checklist. Runny nose? Yes. Sneezy? Yes. Temperature? 100.4. Sick? No way! She played me! Okay, yes she may have a little cold but she wasn't sick. She stayed in her PJ's, wrapped like a mummy on the couch and (no joke!) watched TV for 7 hrs straight. She was laughing, singing and telling me how I needed to come watch this or make sure I record that. I dutifully brought in chocolate milk when requested and food for lunch. When she thought I wasn't looking she snacked on candy she secretly stole out of my candy cauldron waiting for All Hallows Eve's children. In my defense, we just had a parent/ teacher conference. Up to this point she hadn't missed a day or even been late. I'm going to call this a mental health day- everyone needs one of those!
By the way, Tyler made it to school and had a grand time passing out his treats.....
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