I worked the night before so the rain made for awfully good sleeping. I should make a note to self here. Never work the night before Halloween. Kevin had to assume the responsibility for getting Tara off to school in costume and the application of make-up and hair just doesn't come natural to him. The day in general just felt rushed. After I woke up it was a blur trying to get pumpkins carved, kids dressed, house straight and I was trying to help my neighbor for a birthday/Halloween party.
The party was from 3-6. Melissa did a great job with decorations and games. There was a tub of worms (noodles) to dig through for small prizes, bobbing for apples which they got to dunk in caramel and lots of spider webs, spooky music, cemetery style birthday cake and more. It was a great pre-cursor to trick or treating. We didn't have to listen to a repeating chorus of "Can we go now?". Kevin walked with the neighbors and all the kids. I stayed at home to give out candy and listened for the phone to ring. While carving the pumpkins I got a bit of bad news. My dear Poppop went in to the hospital. He has a hip that pops out quite a bit and this time they don't know if they can fix it. Everyone cross your fingers and say a prayer. We love you Poppop! Come home soon!
With everything that went on yesterday I didn't get the best pics.

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