Monday, November 20, 2006

Long time no write

I apologize for not updating of late. I've thought about this and justified it in my brain and I shall lay it out for you in a numbered list.

1. I got a new laptop (HP entertainment notebook).
2. I have once again discovered music
3. I left for a quickie trip to the mainland

Well, the list is not quite as long as I had hoped. Let me see if I can expound on the listed items to make it seem more realistic for my long absence.
1. The new laptop. It is actually an early Christmas present to me and Kevin. He wanted one for his many trips so that he can view pics, web browse, games, etc. I have found that I spend lots of time on the computer. I am either battling with Tara and Tyler because they want to play their games or I am inside where I can't see the kids when they are out playing. Trey would rather be outside and he just can't be out there alone. Now, when one gets a new computer you can lose hours of time. I don't know how or why it happens but you lose precious hours of your life that you can't explain. I am sure you know what I mean so enough said.
2. Music!!! I don't know what happened to the person that I was before children, but I am slowly getting bits and pieces of her back. Case in point would be my love of music. I love alternative, classic rock, bluegrass, jazz, country, contemporary christian- all types of music! When I found out I was pregnant with Tara my music was closeted and I listened to kids music. Raffi, kids bop, Baby Einstien, Praise Baby, if it was designed for kids I listened to it. I still play them and sing songs with and for the kids but......I want to hear my old favorites too! (Wow! I feel like I just went to confession!) I discovered Limewire and I have downloaded hundreds of songs to the computer. I have lost 7 years of enjoying music. I have always been one to know titles and artists and I have almost an entire decade of music that just sounds familiar. So, I am having a rebirth. I want an Ipod and satellite radio and I want music in the house and in the car and on the the lanai and wow! Am I expressing how excited I am? Anyway, Limewire is of course on the web and downloading takes time which goes back to my point of losing hours on the computer. I think my renewed appreciation stems from the fact that I have my 3 kids. That is what I wanted- 3 beautiful children. I am happy and complete and I don't feel as if I am waiting for my next child. I can move on. Once and for all I can pack away baby blankets, bottles, bibs and all those items you save just in case. In the pursuit to be the best parent we can be, we lose a part of who we once were. I don't want her back completely, but it's nice to get the occasional glimpse.
3. My trip to the mainland is the last item that took up a great deal of time. The trip had been mentioned and I really wanted to go but I was, basically, waiting for permission. One hour before arrival time I got the call. I had found jeans and long sleeve shirts from the depths of my closet so I was ready. Melissa took responsibility for the kids and off I went. We arrived the following am and then I had a 3 1/2 hour drive from Andrews to Va Beach. I had that day to spend with my parents and Nanna and visit my Poppop and my dear Aunt Peggy. I also had to fit in dinner and shopping at Target (the shopping part was very important!). The next day we had to jump back in the car and head back to Andrews so that I could catch a 330 flight that never left until 700pm. I returned to my house about 330am Hawaii time. That left me completely zapped of all energy over the weekend. The trip was very fast but very worth it. Poppop was completely surprised and I hope I was able to lift his spirits and convey how much I love and care for him. Thank you Mom, Dad and Nanna for letting me visit even though I didn't have the kids and for being my chauffeur.
Happy birthday to those that we missed, including you Nanna, but especially to Grampa Barney. He turned 96 while tearing up the town in Vegas. Congrats and I hope your pockets are full!

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