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Paradise? Found it! Paradise has become of my own design through my family, the places I live and explore and my friends! Life is good!!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Cheer video
This is another video from cheer practices before opening ceremony. Just a short clip- I promise. I am trying to download these clips so that you can access them here rather than being linked elsewhere. But like everything else it is a work-in-progress. If I can get this figured out I'll use the video feature of my camera more often. Enjoy!
Post-Thanksgiving Day Skit
Ms. Wolff's 1st grade class did a little show during this month's Citizenship Awards assembly. Tara was one of two narrators. If you click on the following link you should be able to view a short segment of their show!
They were very cute and very proud of themselves. If the show wouldn't load here are some pictures:

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Post-Turkey Day Update
Aloha! I am sure by now everyone has recovered from their self-inflicted turkey gluttony. This morning I actually threw out anything that was left, which wasn't much. Tara was greatly disappointed that we were out of the Thanksgiving ham. She asked if we could cook another so she could continue to have that ham on her sandwiches for lunch. I told her to wait a couple of weeks because Grandma Linda usually sends one of those awesome Heavenly Spiral Sliced Hams at Christmas (hint! hint!). Turkey Day was fabulous. The food was wonderful and, as it should be, there was way to much of it. We missed our family but we spent the day with lots of friends.
Congratulations goes to Pam for having the perseverance to sit at Walmart on the eve of black Friday. She was one the the 6 lucky shoppers to take home a 52in HDTV for $500.00. Way to go Pam! Tammy woke up early enough (with a little help from her brother) to get some good deals and shared the shopping experience with Darby and Macy. I also have heard about a dance involving Macy and an incredible black dress. Please send me a picture!!
I am going to pat myself on the back a little too. I have 95% of my shopping finished. I have a couple of small things to pick up but I am basically done! (Wow! This could be the year I actually have time to bake, but then again....) It's not even Dec 1 and my Christmas is just about done. My tree is beautiful, the lanai is festive and the reindeer are grazing in the front yard. Yeahhh me!
I finally gave in and went to the doctor Tuesday morning. I have a double ear infection and strep throat. I was sick for two weeks, on the mend for a week and a half and then woke up the day after turkey day miserable again. When I noticed my throat decorated with white spots I decided to give in and went to the doc. Hopefully, with the help of antibiotics, I'll be well soon. The lack of pictures is directly related to my misery.
Tara has a post-Thanksgiving Day skit at school tomorrow. She will be an Indian girl narrator and she has been reading and re-reading her part for weeks. I am sure there will be some pictures from that little performance.
Congratulations goes to Pam for having the perseverance to sit at Walmart on the eve of black Friday. She was one the the 6 lucky shoppers to take home a 52in HDTV for $500.00. Way to go Pam! Tammy woke up early enough (with a little help from her brother) to get some good deals and shared the shopping experience with Darby and Macy. I also have heard about a dance involving Macy and an incredible black dress. Please send me a picture!!
I am going to pat myself on the back a little too. I have 95% of my shopping finished. I have a couple of small things to pick up but I am basically done! (Wow! This could be the year I actually have time to bake, but then again....) It's not even Dec 1 and my Christmas is just about done. My tree is beautiful, the lanai is festive and the reindeer are grazing in the front yard. Yeahhh me!
I finally gave in and went to the doctor Tuesday morning. I have a double ear infection and strep throat. I was sick for two weeks, on the mend for a week and a half and then woke up the day after turkey day miserable again. When I noticed my throat decorated with white spots I decided to give in and went to the doc. Hopefully, with the help of antibiotics, I'll be well soon. The lack of pictures is directly related to my misery.
Tara has a post-Thanksgiving Day skit at school tomorrow. She will be an Indian girl narrator and she has been reading and re-reading her part for weeks. I am sure there will be some pictures from that little performance.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
New Baby!
Happy Birthday Ryan Dakota Harrington!!!!

We have been waiting and waiting and the day is finally here! Happy birthday baby Ryan! Our newest addition to the neighborhood was born today @ 527am, he is 19 inches long and weighed in at 7# 15 oz.He is absolutely beautiful and mom, dad and baby are all doing well. To see more pictures click the link to the right. Check back often because I am sure there will be many more pictures of this new bundle of joy!!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Long time no write
I apologize for not updating of late. I've thought about this and justified it in my brain and I shall lay it out for you in a numbered list.
1. I got a new laptop (HP entertainment notebook).
2. I have once again discovered music
3. I left for a quickie trip to the mainland
Well, the list is not quite as long as I had hoped. Let me see if I can expound on the listed items to make it seem more realistic for my long absence.
1. The new laptop. It is actually an early Christmas present to me and Kevin. He wanted one for his many trips so that he can view pics, web browse, games, etc. I have found that I spend lots of time on the computer. I am either battling with Tara and Tyler because they want to play their games or I am inside where I can't see the kids when they are out playing. Trey would rather be outside and he just can't be out there alone. Now, when one gets a new computer you can lose hours of time. I don't know how or why it happens but you lose precious hours of your life that you can't explain. I am sure you know what I mean so enough said.
2. Music!!! I don't know what happened to the person that I was before children, but I am slowly getting bits and pieces of her back. Case in point would be my love of music. I love alternative, classic rock, bluegrass, jazz, country, contemporary christian- all types of music! When I found out I was pregnant with Tara my music was closeted and I listened to kids music. Raffi, kids bop, Baby Einstien, Praise Baby, if it was designed for kids I listened to it. I still play them and sing songs with and for the kids but......I want to hear my old favorites too! (Wow! I feel like I just went to confession!) I discovered Limewire and I have downloaded hundreds of songs to the computer. I have lost 7 years of enjoying music. I have always been one to know titles and artists and I have almost an entire decade of music that just sounds familiar. So, I am having a rebirth. I want an Ipod and satellite radio and I want music in the house and in the car and on the the lanai and wow! Am I expressing how excited I am? Anyway, Limewire is of course on the web and downloading takes time which goes back to my point of losing hours on the computer. I think my renewed appreciation stems from the fact that I have my 3 kids. That is what I wanted- 3 beautiful children. I am happy and complete and I don't feel as if I am waiting for my next child. I can move on. Once and for all I can pack away baby blankets, bottles, bibs and all those items you save just in case. In the pursuit to be the best parent we can be, we lose a part of who we once were. I don't want her back completely, but it's nice to get the occasional glimpse.
3. My trip to the mainland is the last item that took up a great deal of time. The trip had been mentioned and I really wanted to go but I was, basically, waiting for permission. One hour before arrival time I got the call. I had found jeans and long sleeve shirts from the depths of my closet so I was ready. Melissa took responsibility for the kids and off I went. We arrived the following am and then I had a 3 1/2 hour drive from Andrews to Va Beach. I had that day to spend with my parents and Nanna and visit my Poppop and my dear Aunt Peggy. I also had to fit in dinner and shopping at Target (the shopping part was very important!). The next day we had to jump back in the car and head back to Andrews so that I could catch a 330 flight that never left until 700pm. I returned to my house about 330am Hawaii time. That left me completely zapped of all energy over the weekend. The trip was very fast but very worth it. Poppop was completely surprised and I hope I was able to lift his spirits and convey how much I love and care for him. Thank you Mom, Dad and Nanna for letting me visit even though I didn't have the kids and for being my chauffeur.
Happy birthday to those that we missed, including you Nanna, but especially to Grampa Barney. He turned 96 while tearing up the town in Vegas. Congrats and I hope your pockets are full!
1. I got a new laptop (HP entertainment notebook).
2. I have once again discovered music
3. I left for a quickie trip to the mainland
Well, the list is not quite as long as I had hoped. Let me see if I can expound on the listed items to make it seem more realistic for my long absence.
1. The new laptop. It is actually an early Christmas present to me and Kevin. He wanted one for his many trips so that he can view pics, web browse, games, etc. I have found that I spend lots of time on the computer. I am either battling with Tara and Tyler because they want to play their games or I am inside where I can't see the kids when they are out playing. Trey would rather be outside and he just can't be out there alone. Now, when one gets a new computer you can lose hours of time. I don't know how or why it happens but you lose precious hours of your life that you can't explain. I am sure you know what I mean so enough said.
2. Music!!! I don't know what happened to the person that I was before children, but I am slowly getting bits and pieces of her back. Case in point would be my love of music. I love alternative, classic rock, bluegrass, jazz, country, contemporary christian- all types of music! When I found out I was pregnant with Tara my music was closeted and I listened to kids music. Raffi, kids bop, Baby Einstien, Praise Baby, if it was designed for kids I listened to it. I still play them and sing songs with and for the kids but......I want to hear my old favorites too! (Wow! I feel like I just went to confession!) I discovered Limewire and I have downloaded hundreds of songs to the computer. I have lost 7 years of enjoying music. I have always been one to know titles and artists and I have almost an entire decade of music that just sounds familiar. So, I am having a rebirth. I want an Ipod and satellite radio and I want music in the house and in the car and on the the lanai and wow! Am I expressing how excited I am? Anyway, Limewire is of course on the web and downloading takes time which goes back to my point of losing hours on the computer. I think my renewed appreciation stems from the fact that I have my 3 kids. That is what I wanted- 3 beautiful children. I am happy and complete and I don't feel as if I am waiting for my next child. I can move on. Once and for all I can pack away baby blankets, bottles, bibs and all those items you save just in case. In the pursuit to be the best parent we can be, we lose a part of who we once were. I don't want her back completely, but it's nice to get the occasional glimpse.
3. My trip to the mainland is the last item that took up a great deal of time. The trip had been mentioned and I really wanted to go but I was, basically, waiting for permission. One hour before arrival time I got the call. I had found jeans and long sleeve shirts from the depths of my closet so I was ready. Melissa took responsibility for the kids and off I went. We arrived the following am and then I had a 3 1/2 hour drive from Andrews to Va Beach. I had that day to spend with my parents and Nanna and visit my Poppop and my dear Aunt Peggy. I also had to fit in dinner and shopping at Target (the shopping part was very important!). The next day we had to jump back in the car and head back to Andrews so that I could catch a 330 flight that never left until 700pm. I returned to my house about 330am Hawaii time. That left me completely zapped of all energy over the weekend. The trip was very fast but very worth it. Poppop was completely surprised and I hope I was able to lift his spirits and convey how much I love and care for him. Thank you Mom, Dad and Nanna for letting me visit even though I didn't have the kids and for being my chauffeur.
Happy birthday to those that we missed, including you Nanna, but especially to Grampa Barney. He turned 96 while tearing up the town in Vegas. Congrats and I hope your pockets are full!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Zoo Day!

Tyler, Trey and I went to the Honolulu Zoo today. It's not as big as the KC zoo, not as small as Norfolk. There were orangutans, lions, chimpanzees-all the animals you expect, but I was really impressed with their Keiki Zoo. The animal exhibits had small tunnels or some type of rope swing to climb or just something that made them completely interactive and kid friendly. Tyler had a blast climbing into the middle of a fish tank or climbing a rope ladder into the goat pen. I definitely see this becoming a frequently visited destination. Extra added bonus: it's at the end of Waikiki so as you leave the zoo, you walk along the beautiful beach and enjoy the view (it's also close to Sam's and Wal-mart!).
The night before I had vacuumed really well, so while the floors were still clean I wanted to mop. To make this as efficient as possible Kevin took all the kids out for a walk and to play. Baby Trey was able to get on the trampoline and Kev said he had a blast jumping with Ray Ray and Big Guy. We cooked kabobs on the grill, Kevin let Robert repeatedly beat him in darts and Tara had another night of cheering. After dinner Kev and I were sitting on the lanai and Trey was just spinning and "dancing" and laughing all by himself. He is such a happy baby. He laughs and smiles at everything. We are blessed!!
Tomorrow is another holiday for both the kids and Kevin. I am at work tonight and thinking about coming back again tomorrow, Veteran's Day, for the holiday pay. (The only problem is I'm on a med-surg oncology floor. It's a shocker to see patients that are sick and old when I'm used to healthy child- bearing women.) Hopefully Kev will think of something fun to do with the kids. The pool? Maybe the zoo again? The beach? It ROCKs to be able to do this stuff all year!!
The night before I had vacuumed really well, so while the floors were still clean I wanted to mop. To make this as efficient as possible Kevin took all the kids out for a walk and to play. Baby Trey was able to get on the trampoline and Kev said he had a blast jumping with Ray Ray and Big Guy. We cooked kabobs on the grill, Kevin let Robert repeatedly beat him in darts and Tara had another night of cheering. After dinner Kev and I were sitting on the lanai and Trey was just spinning and "dancing" and laughing all by himself. He is such a happy baby. He laughs and smiles at everything. We are blessed!!
Tomorrow is another holiday for both the kids and Kevin. I am at work tonight and thinking about coming back again tomorrow, Veteran's Day, for the holiday pay. (The only problem is I'm on a med-surg oncology floor. It's a shocker to see patients that are sick and old when I'm used to healthy child- bearing women.) Hopefully Kev will think of something fun to do with the kids. The pool? Maybe the zoo again? The beach? It ROCKs to be able to do this stuff all year!!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Happy Day!
Happy birthday Mike! Poppop had surgery and came through just fine and Kevin's home!!! Yeeaah!! What a great day! I'm posting from work (yes I'm at work and it's still a great day!) so this is getting out later than I wanted. The kids were out of school for elections so Kevin and I took the kids and went to the beach. We all managed to get in some snorkeling and I even got to lay in the sand and soak up some sun. Kevin, being the fun Dad that he is, was pushing the big kids in on the boogie boards so they could "surf". This was the first Trey had been to the beach since he began walking. He has no fear. Walked straight for the water each and every time and would laugh as the waves lapped at his feet. He too shall be another welcomed water baby! Kevin was rolling a ball with him and as he chased it, he covered himself in sand from top to bottom and laughed the entire time. The kids had so much fun and they are always so excited when Dad comes home. I've been pretty miserable with my cold so I haven't done much but lounge on the couch (and take care of kids and play taxi) so Kevin was being Mr. Mom tonight. He washed clothes, cooked dinner and cleaned the kitchen. It is so nice to have him home. And did I mention I feel much better? Is there anything a trip to the beach can't fix?
Poppop had surgery. His docs had discussed the possibility of having a Garterstone procedure. (If anyone can tell me about range-of-motion after this procedure please e-mail me.) Fortunately, when they got him in the OR and were able to visualize his hip, they were able to do a simple replacement of the ball. He's got a lot of rehab to do but with lots of love and support I am confident he'll do just fine.
Grandpa Mike, one day we'll be around for your birthday. I'm glad the kids were able to sing to you but I promise you don't look like a monkey or smell like one too! Hope you had a great day! 
Poppop had surgery. His docs had discussed the possibility of having a Garterstone procedure. (If anyone can tell me about range-of-motion after this procedure please e-mail me.) Fortunately, when they got him in the OR and were able to visualize his hip, they were able to do a simple replacement of the ball. He's got a lot of rehab to do but with lots of love and support I am confident he'll do just fine.
Grandpa Mike, one day we'll be around for your birthday. I'm glad the kids were able to sing to you but I promise you don't look like a monkey or smell like one too! Hope you had a great day!

Hey KC this pic is for you (thanks Amparo)!!!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Cosmic Forces
Have you ever heard of Sedona, Arizona? If you haven't it is a town nestled into the North West portion of the state. It is known for it's beautiful red rock formations. The red rock is actually sand stone and the entire area illuminates in brilliant reds and oranges with every rising or setting sun. Some call it the metaphysical center of the Earth. Whatever you feel about it- it is absolutely breath taking. When I visited, I took as a souvenir, a small piece of sand stone to remind me of the beauty that I saw there. That was 10 years, a marriage and 3 kids ago.
A few days ago my youngest child picked up my sand stone memory and hurled it across the room. I now have 3 rocks from Sedona. Just as dear, baby Trey was going to begin to pulverize the remaining pieces of stone- I saved them! They are now up high and out of reach.
Since Thursday I have been fighting a nasty cold. There is nothing worse than that feeling like your head will explode if you tilt it towards the floor. Friday wasn't too bad. Tara & Ty were both at school so Trey and I napped and became one with the couch. It was Saturday that I was dreading. Tara had a game over at Pearl. That's an hour and a half in the hot sun, chasing baby Trey and Tyler around while trying to keep an eye on the girls cheering so that I can, in good faith, congratulate Tara on their new stunts. But that is not what happened....
Tyler never misses an opportunity to go to cheering. Zach and Jake are Coach Angela's boys and that is the only place he gets to see them. Remember the mud ball pics? That's them! Anyway ,Tyler announced as we were getting ready to leave that he was going to stay here with Mr. Robert. I instantly said yes trying not to look too pleased. It's a 20 min drive to Pearl. Trey normally sleeps no more than an hour and he fell asleep almost instantly as we left the base. I pulled up to the field and I got rock star parking. First car, first row- I could see and hear everything the girls did as I sat in my air conditioned vehicle reading my book waiting for Trey to wake. Our girls didn't cheer at half time so they had the post game performance. As if on cue, Trey woke up about 5 minutes before the game ended. I strolled over, I watched the new routine, Trey sat in the stroller quietly drinking juice and then it was over. Completely painless! Enjoyable even.
Lucky day or the cosmic, metaphysical forces reverberating off that rock thanking me for not letting it become pulverized bits of dust? Uuuumm? Here's a picture of the little girls and their new stunt.
A few days ago my youngest child picked up my sand stone memory and hurled it across the room. I now have 3 rocks from Sedona. Just as dear, baby Trey was going to begin to pulverize the remaining pieces of stone- I saved them! They are now up high and out of reach.
Since Thursday I have been fighting a nasty cold. There is nothing worse than that feeling like your head will explode if you tilt it towards the floor. Friday wasn't too bad. Tara & Ty were both at school so Trey and I napped and became one with the couch. It was Saturday that I was dreading. Tara had a game over at Pearl. That's an hour and a half in the hot sun, chasing baby Trey and Tyler around while trying to keep an eye on the girls cheering so that I can, in good faith, congratulate Tara on their new stunts. But that is not what happened....
Tyler never misses an opportunity to go to cheering. Zach and Jake are Coach Angela's boys and that is the only place he gets to see them. Remember the mud ball pics? That's them! Anyway ,Tyler announced as we were getting ready to leave that he was going to stay here with Mr. Robert. I instantly said yes trying not to look too pleased. It's a 20 min drive to Pearl. Trey normally sleeps no more than an hour and he fell asleep almost instantly as we left the base. I pulled up to the field and I got rock star parking. First car, first row- I could see and hear everything the girls did as I sat in my air conditioned vehicle reading my book waiting for Trey to wake. Our girls didn't cheer at half time so they had the post game performance. As if on cue, Trey woke up about 5 minutes before the game ended. I strolled over, I watched the new routine, Trey sat in the stroller quietly drinking juice and then it was over. Completely painless! Enjoyable even.
Lucky day or the cosmic, metaphysical forces reverberating off that rock thanking me for not letting it become pulverized bits of dust? Uuuumm? Here's a picture of the little girls and their new stunt.

Friday, November 03, 2006
In the Navy...

Once upon a time, long, long ago I was in the Navy. Consuella, Barb, James and I went through boot camp, A-school and we were all sent to El Centro, CA for our first duty station. Suella sent me some pics that I ran across today while cleaning out my mailbox. For some reason I had to take pics of the pics, but they were too classic to resist. Barb is in Afghanistan doing security work, Suella is in Atlanta breaking hearts and James is in Texas still playing cowboy, only now he is showing the "ropes" to his son. Nothing exciting is happening here so I might as well send out a good laugh. Unfortunately there are more of these in the Navy set under More Photos.....Enjoy!

Thursday, November 02, 2006
The rain is still falling. Day after day of rain is unusual for this time of year. The problem with rain here is that it's just rain. Rain should always be accompanied by loud cracks of thunder and bolts of lightening that sizzle and light up the sky. A brilliant, electrifying storm makes the rain okay in my book. Since we don't have cold weather here, rainy days tend to bring on those yearnings for chili and hot cocoa. The rain could also be categorized as torrential downpour, and even with an umbrella one still gets wet. Wet people in the air conditioner get colds which would be the reason I'm sitting here with a box of tissues, Alka-Selter Plus cold medicine and my small, but always treasured, bottle of Vick's Vapor Rub. The kids have fared pretty well. Tara did her one day of being "sick", Tyler had one night with a crummy tummy and baby Trey just has a runny nose. I am the last one to get sick so hopefully we are done!
I'm never sick so I don't do colds well. I feel grumpy, sleep deprived and of course I don't get sick till Kev is out of town. C'est la vie!
As of November 16th Tyler will be attending pre-school 5 days a week!! Yah hooo! It will be just the baby and me! If I am this excited now wait till baby Trey starts pre-school too! I won't know what to do with myself! I can go to the gym more, go to the beach, the pool, the mall even.... OOOOHHHHH! I can almost feel the glorious solitude! All in good time.
I think for now I'll go make some chili.
I'm never sick so I don't do colds well. I feel grumpy, sleep deprived and of course I don't get sick till Kev is out of town. C'est la vie!
As of November 16th Tyler will be attending pre-school 5 days a week!! Yah hooo! It will be just the baby and me! If I am this excited now wait till baby Trey starts pre-school too! I won't know what to do with myself! I can go to the gym more, go to the beach, the pool, the mall even.... OOOOHHHHH! I can almost feel the glorious solitude! All in good time.
I think for now I'll go make some chili.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Halloween 2006
Rain, rain go away come again another day! Yep! It rained all day. Tara's school had a parade for the kids at 815. The school is a typical island school. All the classes are linked together by hallways but they are all outside. The parade was supposed to be around the track. Thanks to Mother Nature the kids walked around the school under the slight cover of the hallways. The kids had fun showing off and there were lots of cute costumes.

Bob the blurry Builder, the Angel with the appropriately crooked halo, and the Halloween kitty.
I worked the night before so the rain made for awfully good sleeping. I should make a note to self here. Never work the night before Halloween. Kevin had to assume the responsibility for getting Tara off to school in costume and the application of make-up and hair just doesn't come natural to him. The day in general just felt rushed. After I woke up it was a blur trying to get pumpkins carved, kids dressed, house straight and I was trying to help my neighbor for a birthday/Halloween party.
The party was from 3-6. Melissa did a great job with decorations and games. There was a tub of worms (noodles) to dig through for small prizes, bobbing for apples which they got to dunk in caramel and lots of spider webs, spooky music, cemetery style birthday cake and more. It was a great pre-cursor to trick or treating. We didn't have to listen to a repeating chorus of "Can we go now?". Kevin walked with the neighbors and all the kids. I stayed at home to give out candy and listened for the phone to ring. While carving the pumpkins I got a bit of bad news. My dear Poppop went in to the hospital. He has a hip that pops out quite a bit and this time they don't know if they can fix it. Everyone cross your fingers and say a prayer. We love you Poppop! Come home soon!
With everything that went on yesterday I didn't get the best pics.

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