Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Why are you here?

I am working in an emergency walk-in OB clinic. Some of the things I hear are amazing. Some of the things I would like to say aren't very professional. Personally, I think I could cut down on our workload if I could just tell it like it is. For instance.....
Me: "What brings you in today?"
Pt 1: "I have a cold. I have had this cold for 3 days. I don't know what to do."
(You have a cold. A cold has to run it's course. A normal cold lasts 5-7 days. Go home.)
Me: "What brings you in today?"
Pt 2: "I am tired and and always feel as if I could puke."
(Sounds like you're pregnant. Oh! That's right, you are. Go home.)
Me: "What brings you in today?"
Pt 3: "My gums are bleeding and my tooth hurts."
At this comment I just stared at her. Really. I couldn't say anything! (Hey dumbass! You need a dentist! Not a doctor! DDS not MD! Go find a phonebook and look under dentist! You're in the military stupid! You have insurance! Please leave!
Me: "What brings you in today?"
Pt 4: "Well I need an STD check."
Me: Looking confused "Your admission paper says cramping and spotting."
Pt 4: "Yes but my boyfriend was with me. He's not very faithful so I would like to be checked for STDs."
Me: Just staring. (Wow. You're stupid. Get checked. Go home. Find a new boyfriend.)
and finally....
Me: "What brings you in today?"
Pt 5: "I was in a car accident and I think I hurt my wrist."
Me: "How many weeks pregnant are you?"
Pt 5: "Pregnant? I'm not pregnant. Why would you think I'm pregnant?"
Me: ***Deep groan*** (Because DA this is an obstetric walk-in clinic. Not only does your wrist hurt but you are stupid. Someone will be able to fix your wrist but my diagnoses is you're always going to be stupid!!! Please leave!)
I bet I could get people in and out pretty quickly if I could triage the way I want to! Where do these people come from??

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Bye! Congrats! And California it is!

The weekend is almost over. The house is clean, laundry is done and we were able to hit the beach both days. Soccer was over Saturday. Tara had her end of season party right after the game but Tyler will have his trophy day next Sunday. Where else do you have a soccer party in Hawaii? Why the beach of course!! It's a potluck so I have to think of something delicious to bring. The Reyes are leaving tomorrow for a wedding. After they return they will be at the Hale Koa for a few days before they are gone for good. :( Big Guy was already whining today about how he was going to miss Ray Ray. Tara and Cassidy have spent every minute of every day together. This is going to be one rough good-bye!

Kevin has said that he will take the orders to California. (big surprise!) I don't know what we will do about schools. We may have to send them to private school. That sort of takes care of that bonus he will receive. Yikes!! We won't have to worry about a big change in wardrobes. A light jacket with a couple pairs of pants thrown into the mix and they should be fine. It will be nice to be so close to the beach and if we make a little effort we can go to the mountains and play in the snow. Julienne is a wonderful little town nestled in the mountains around a lake with little shops full of antiques and apple pie. I can't wait to be able to drag the kids to all of these places to see and experience new things. One of my favorite places, the San Diego Zoo, will be just a few hours down the freeway and we can visit all the theme parks in the area too. My big geek daughter wants to live in the same house she lived in when she was a baby. I try to explain that a two bedroom just wouldn't work these days.

Speaking of new houses, Kelly Nixon closed on her new house on the 24th. She is now a happy home owner and she did it all on her own. She is probably at this very moment painting! She and Lexi are now in a 3 bedroom house with room to grow! I have a picture here. She already has Cracker Barrel rockers for the front porch!

One last thing: Mom, those pictures you have been waiting for are posted! Aloha and have a great day!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Florida or California??

There is actually a moment here at work where I am able to post. I have pics of Tara's room but I haven't had a chance to sit at my own computer to upload. Remember I said Jax was an 85% sure thing? Well as with anything military, the 15% chance of elsewhere has changed. A bonus has been dangled in front of my DH if he will take orders back to Pt. Mugu and become a flight engineer. The orders are a sure thing for Jax- if he wants them. The orders for Mugu can be reality- if he wants them. I, being of gypsy blood, really don't care. The money would be outstanding. We spent a couple of years at Mugu and we were very happy there. We often commented on how wonderful it would have been to have had kids because the base was very family friendly. Jax would be nice because it would have been wonderful to have been in close proximity to so many of our family and friends. So for me, I am good with either. The decision is all his. ***uuhhhmm**** Any guesses on his choice?

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Work Week II

Week 2 of work has come and gone. I still enjoy the job but I have serious issues with being away from the kids when they get home and do their homework. Kevin has done a great job of helping with laundry and when I came home yesterday he had vacuumed, put away dishes and straightened up the house. We have gotten pretty good with preparing meals on-the-fly and the crock-pot is a life saver. I did Kailua pork yesterday before leaving and it was delicious.
The house is under contract and we should be closing on the 28th. Gerry said she put a sold sign on the property and sees nothing interfering with the sale. The more I read/hear about how bad the market is and how it is going to continue to deteriorate, I am very thankful we sold when we did, got the price that we asked and am hopeful that there will be good deals in Florida in another year. And no Tammy, I am not going to quit now that the house is sold. (I think about it in an "I wish" sort of way :) ) It would be lovely if I could, but the greed factor kicks in and the extra cash is always needed. Trey breaks my heart when I have to leave him but the cure to that is having Kevin drop him off. Emily swears he's a great kid and said if this past week was as bad as he gets, than he's a dream. (He had that stomach virus we all had when Macy was here and was a puking nightmare!) Kevin leaves work at 3:30 and he is fortunate to be able to come and go to take care of doctors appts, etc. I am very thankful for all of the above and will continue to work as long as the clinic lets me.
The Harrington's are getting settled in their new home and the Reyes are getting ready to leave theirs. I try not to think about it. I asked Melissa if I could have custody rights in the summers. Apparently, I have to get in line behind the grandparents! What kind of crap is that? They will be in Florida near Disney so no matter where we go I guarantee we will see them!
The upcoming months appear to be busy. People are making plans for their last rounds of visits. Judy, Mike, the Fritts and the P Furey family will all be in Maui in Oct with Judy and Mike coming here to stay for a another week. The Thurmans are going to visit in January and the B Fureys are mumbling about coming over Spring break. Busy times ahead!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Originally uploaded by shrimptruckplatelunch
All the curls are gone!!

Closing and Curls

We have a contract on the house!!! What a relief! Closing will be on the 28th of Aug so no more mortgage payments! Yeeaahh!! I really didn't expect a contract this soon so I am relieved and excited. The day they presented the contract they had already scheduled a home inspection. I'd say they are ready and expecting no problems. Makes me happy and I am sure my father will be thrilled not to cut the grass. The house was a nice place to call home for a while, but it was time to sell. The next house we purchase will be open, bright and updated. Oh, and it will be in Florida! The market is so bad there I am hoping houses will be even cheaper in a year.
Trey got his first haircut today!! Melissa was cutting mine and when I got up from the chair, he climbed up and looked to Melissa and pulled on his hair. That was her cue and she started cutting away the curls. He did well until she was almost done. My baby now looks like a little boy. I bagged some of his precious curls to keep forever.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Happy Birthday Suella!

When I move to Jax you better come see me or I'm going to bring all my kids and come see you! That's a promise!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Bernie! Happy Anniversary Bernie & Kristi!

Spring break is Mar 14-30. Two long weeks to choose from! Hope you had fun at the fair....

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Have I mentioned....?

I don't know if I have told many of you this but we are pretty sure (85%) we will be moving to Jacksonville, Fl at the end of next school year. I am not too keen on moving, since I am pretty positive I could live here for the rest of my life without any regrets. But...if I have to move, Florida is okay in my book. The ocean isn't far, and the weather is a whole lot better than Maine. Kelly D lives few hours away on the west coast, the Reyes family will be moving just a little south of us, CC is in Atlanta, they have a professional football team and my DH has an in with one of the coaches. The kids are at a perfect age to enjoy all the attractions of Orlando (military season tickets to Disney are half price), air fare to Va is fast and fairly cheap, I love the Keys, it's a great place to come visit and the winters are wonderful. There are no state taxes, the neighborhoods are built as communities with their own schools, pools and water parks and the housing market isn't ridiculously over priced. The base has a hospital on post along with childcare and all the amenities to which we have grown accustomed. I am excited to again be able to shop at Target!! I am also trying to convince myself of how wonderful Florida will be by writing all the "pros" down. To be sure, I have to jot down the "cons". Hot humid summers, traffic, congestion and once again returning to the rat race which is known as life in the big city. I am going to repeat over and over "It's going to be wonderful, It's going to be wonderful, It's going to be wonderful.."

Happy Birthday Doug!!

Are you guys still coming out for a visit? The final year is counting down!

Tears, Work and Puking

First-off and the most important news is Big Guy had his first day of school on Thursday. He had a brand new Mokapu t-shirt for Spirit day, 2 full bags of supplies, and a whole lot of excitement. The DH and I were able to walk him and he loved every minute of it! I packed him a lunch and when he got home he requested, with wide eyed amazement, that he wanted a school lunch because they looked yummy. He saw lots of friends at recess, including Ray Ray who was also having his first day. I didn't linger. I had to leave quickly. As I said good-bye and have a great first day I got the required hug but when he quickly gave me the second, just a little tighter than the first, I had to quickly retreat out the door to hide the tears that were filling my eyes. My premie, my little boy that lost part of a finger, my little guy with the big heart and the speech that has been a little slow to come had grown into school age. (I am fiercely protective of this one and God help the child/teacher that causes him any pain.) Kevin laughed at me but wasn't surprised. He promptly announced that we had one more to go and we pushed baby Trey home in the stroller.
Some how we have made it through the week. Everyone made it to school, swimming lessons and soccer practice without a hitch (thanks Melissa and Emily) while I labored away like the rest of the working stiffs. I have to admit that I actually like my job. I have always loved OB but this is a whole different aspect. I am doing OB registration. That means I sit down with any and all pregnant moms new to Tripler and give them an outline of appointments, labs, what ifs, no nos and recommendations. I will also be giving answers on the Nurse Advise line for those that call in with questions. I have been to a seminar on IVF pregnancy and have also sat in on a prenatal class offered to our new moms. The people are very nice and I am enjoying my time there. An added bonus is that I pack a nice big healthy salad everyday with fruit, crackers, yogurt and water. I have been drinking lots of water and I have a 2L of Diet Coke that is still half full after an entire week. Way better than my nearly 2L a day habit!
After 7 years of various illness' that strike the children at any given time, my husband stayed home with a sick child. The first day Trey stayed at Emily's he reacted to her kindness by puking all over her. As he continued to puke that evening and into the night I was lamenting about how he had to get sick right after I went back to work and Kevin said "I can stay home with him tomorrow." Could it be true? Did my ears deceive me? He grabbed the phone the next morning and went out front for a hushed phone call. He came back in and said "Have a good day at work dear." My mind took a few moments to grasp the fact but it was true. He stayed home and played Mr. Mom. Wonders will never cease to amaze me.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Every dog has it's day!!

Ha! Ha! Ha! LOL! Who would have thought that dog's would get their revenge?? Whoever thought this up, I tip my hat to you!! For a mere $10.99 plus $2.00 shipping you can order the newest doggie chew toy that is a must have. The Vick Chew Toy is now on sale here. It is advertised to be the only thing left you can still buy with Vick's name on it (you know, since he lost all of his endorsements...)

"Is it different you ask? You bet it is!
The Vick Dog Chew Toy is made of state
of the art “dog” material. The Vick Toy
Doll is so strong and flexible, it will challenge
even the most aggressive breeds. Especially
Mike’s Favorite Breed, The Pit Bull.
Unlike Vick, our manufacturer is so sure of

its durability they guarantee it against the
most aggressive dog destruction. It Bends.
It Bounces. It Flies. It Floats. And best of all,
it lasts through the whole season and more!"

Might I recommend getting yours today? Apparently there has been such a tremendous amount of activity on their site that the toy is on back order. Better hurry though, I hear their was no permission given by Vick or the NFL for use of their logo or name. Proceeds will be anonymously donated to "local" animal shelters. He! He! He! Yeeaahh dogs!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Craziness, Sadness and Pasta

What an idiot I am!! As much as I know I passionately dislike working during the day I am now working full-time, Monday thru Friday 7:30-4:30 in the OB clinic. I start Monday. As in tomorrow. The silver lining here? It's only till September 28th. In the interest of financial security while trying to sell our house in Virginia and the trip to Maui in October, I thought it prudent to make some extra cash. My DH is elated. (Of course!) Tara and Tyler will both be in school and baby Trey should be fine on his own. Just kidding!! :) Emily Dillon will be keeping Trey till my servitude is up. How bad can it be? It's the OB clinic! I love OB! Clinic work is always a tad boring but I would be making the same amount of $$ even if working in L&D. So I will now do a lot less work for the same rate of pay. Not too bad, huh? **sigh** What have I done?
Friday we went up to the Hale Koa to say farewell to the Harringtons. The kids all played around the pool and had a fantastic time. We dined under the stars and as we began hugging our last good-byes the fire works exploded overhead as if the grand finale was marking our sadness. There were lots of tears and sniffles on the way home. Tara said she wasn't going to cry because we would see them in a year when we passed through California to a destination still unknown. Robert, Celeste, Kayla, Mary and baby Ryan- we miss you all already!!
Anyway, I have some video from yesterdays soccer games I need to upload. Saturdays are always filled with soccer. Four games left!
Today is a family picnic sponsored by Kevin's squadron at the superpark. He actually made the pasta salad for this event. All I have to do is add the extra ingredients that make it more tasty. There should be more pictures posted later.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Happy birthday Tammy and Pete! You guys are old!!

The Big Boy Room

Originally uploaded by shrimptruckplatelunch
Ok Mom, here it is! Ta daa! The curtains are even hung. This is the finished product of Tyler's new Big Boy room. He loves having the top bunk as his bed so much he didn't even complain about not having the fire engine bed. His trophy's, pictures, and little boy treasures are on top of the old toy shelf. There are more pictures loaded so take a gander at those if you want to see the border!! He is so proud!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Originally uploaded by shrimptruckplatelunch

2nd grade has begun!

Just to keep you in the know...
-The Reyes family will be moving to Panama Beach, FL at the end of the month.
-The Harrington's moved out of their house as of Sunday and are staying at the Hale Koa for a week before they move to Lemore, CA
-Scott and Pam will be transferring to Andrews in Sept. Link to their site here!
-Kevin is doing some pre-negotiating for orders. Of our choices, he has said our top 3 are Florida, New Orleans and Texas.
-Macy! You left your yearbook and as expected, some clothes.
-Happy birthday tomorrow to Pete and Tammy!
-Big Guy's room has been painted blue. Now it has to be put together again.
-Kevin has finally been put on blood pressure meds. After years of tricks prior to his doctors visits, he had to accept the fact that he has high blood pressure. It is just on the upper end of the normal range but it is still considered high. Maybe that daily run will be more appealing now and I should put away the salt shaker!

Today is the first day of school. Tara was ready but I think the summer went way too fast! She must have been very excited. She had gotten into the habit of sleeping till 9 or 10. This morning she bounced down the stairs at 6 with her clothes in one hand and a brush in the other. Her breakfast of choice for the first day of school? Waffles with bacon (turkey bacon, of course!). Her lunch? Ham sandwich with cucumbers, celery, and green peppers (thanks Macy!) with Ranch for dipping and sliced oranges for dessert. We loaded her favorite backpack, plus two shopping bags, with supplies. Big Guy, Trey and I walked with her to help carry the load and meet the teacher. Mrs. Holliday will be her 2nd grade teacher and she was Mary's old one. Tara is thrilled because she is so pretty and nice! I ran into Robin (who works there) by the front office and she informed me that while she is a very nice teacher, she's also a good one. That's encouraging considering Hawaii's school system isn't the best. Kindergarten doesn't start till next week so we will have another first then.