Sunday, August 26, 2007

Bye! Congrats! And California it is!

The weekend is almost over. The house is clean, laundry is done and we were able to hit the beach both days. Soccer was over Saturday. Tara had her end of season party right after the game but Tyler will have his trophy day next Sunday. Where else do you have a soccer party in Hawaii? Why the beach of course!! It's a potluck so I have to think of something delicious to bring. The Reyes are leaving tomorrow for a wedding. After they return they will be at the Hale Koa for a few days before they are gone for good. :( Big Guy was already whining today about how he was going to miss Ray Ray. Tara and Cassidy have spent every minute of every day together. This is going to be one rough good-bye!

Kevin has said that he will take the orders to California. (big surprise!) I don't know what we will do about schools. We may have to send them to private school. That sort of takes care of that bonus he will receive. Yikes!! We won't have to worry about a big change in wardrobes. A light jacket with a couple pairs of pants thrown into the mix and they should be fine. It will be nice to be so close to the beach and if we make a little effort we can go to the mountains and play in the snow. Julienne is a wonderful little town nestled in the mountains around a lake with little shops full of antiques and apple pie. I can't wait to be able to drag the kids to all of these places to see and experience new things. One of my favorite places, the San Diego Zoo, will be just a few hours down the freeway and we can visit all the theme parks in the area too. My big geek daughter wants to live in the same house she lived in when she was a baby. I try to explain that a two bedroom just wouldn't work these days.

Speaking of new houses, Kelly Nixon closed on her new house on the 24th. She is now a happy home owner and she did it all on her own. She is probably at this very moment painting! She and Lexi are now in a 3 bedroom house with room to grow! I have a picture here. She already has Cracker Barrel rockers for the front porch!

One last thing: Mom, those pictures you have been waiting for are posted! Aloha and have a great day!

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