First-off and the most important news is Big Guy had his first day of school on Thursday. He had a brand new Mokapu t-shirt for Spirit day, 2 full bags of supplies, and a whole lot of excitement. The DH and I were able to walk him and he loved every minute of it! I packed him a lunch and when he got home he requested, with wide eyed amazement, that he wanted a school lunch because they looked yummy. He saw lots of friends at recess, including Ray Ray who was also having his first day. I didn't linger. I had to leave quickly. As I said good-bye and have a great first day I got the required hug but when he quickly gave me the second, just a little tighter than the first, I had to quickly retreat out the door to hide the tears that were filling my eyes. My premie, my little boy that lost part of a finger, my little guy with the big heart and the speech that has been a little slow to come had grown into school age. (I am fiercely protective of this one and God help the child/teacher that causes him any pain.) Kevin laughed at me but wasn't surprised. He promptly announced that we had one more to go and we pushed baby Trey home in the stroller.
Some how we have made it through the week. Everyone made it to school, swimming lessons and soccer practice without a hitch (thanks Melissa and Emily) while I labored away like the rest of the working stiffs. I have to admit that I actually like my job. I have always loved OB but this is a whole different aspect. I am doing OB registration. That means I sit down with any and all pregnant moms new to Tripler and give them an outline of appointments, labs, what ifs, no nos and recommendations. I will also be giving answers on the Nurse Advise line for those that call in with questions. I have been to a seminar on IVF pregnancy and have also sat in on a prenatal class offered to our new moms. The people are very nice and I am enjoying my time there. An added bonus is that I pack a nice big healthy salad everyday with fruit, crackers, yogurt and water. I have been drinking lots of water and I have a 2L of Diet Coke that is still half full after an entire week. Way better than my nearly 2L a day habit!
After 7 years of various illness' that strike the children at any given time, my husband stayed home with a sick child. The first day Trey stayed at Emily's he reacted to her kindness by puking all over her. As he continued to puke that evening and into the night I was lamenting about how he had to get sick right after I went back to work and Kevin said "I can stay home with him tomorrow." Could it be true? Did my ears deceive me? He grabbed the phone the next morning and went out front for a hushed phone call. He came back in and said "Have a good day at work dear." My mind took a few moments to grasp the fact but it was true. He stayed home and played Mr. Mom. Wonders will never cease to amaze me.
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