Week 2 of work has come and gone. I still enjoy the job but I have serious issues with being away from the kids when they get home and do their homework. Kevin has done a great job of helping with laundry and when I came home yesterday he had vacuumed, put away dishes and straightened up the house. We have gotten pretty good with preparing meals on-the-fly and the crock-pot is a life saver. I did Kailua pork yesterday before leaving and it was delicious.
The house is under contract and we should be closing on the 28th. Gerry said she put a sold sign on the property and sees nothing interfering with the sale. The more I read/hear about how bad the market is and how it is going to continue to deteriorate, I am very thankful we sold when we did, got the price that we asked and am hopeful that there will be good deals in Florida in another year. And no Tammy, I am not going to quit now that the house is sold. (I think about it in an "I wish" sort of way :) ) It would be lovely if I could, but the greed factor kicks in and the extra cash is always needed. Trey breaks my heart when I have to leave him but the cure to that is having Kevin drop him off. Emily swears he's a great kid and said if this past week was as bad as he gets, than he's a dream. (He had that stomach virus we all had when Macy was here and was a puking nightmare!) Kevin leaves work at 3:30 and he is fortunate to be able to come and go to take care of doctors appts, etc. I am very thankful for all of the above and will continue to work as long as the clinic lets me.
The Harrington's are getting settled in their new home and the Reyes are getting ready to leave theirs. I try not to think about it. I asked Melissa if I could have custody rights in the summers. Apparently, I have to get in line behind the grandparents! What kind of crap is that? They will be in Florida near Disney so no matter where we go I guarantee we will see them!
The upcoming months appear to be busy. People are making plans for their last rounds of visits. Judy, Mike, the Fritts and the P Furey family will all be in Maui in Oct with Judy and Mike coming here to stay for a another week. The Thurmans are going to visit in January and the B Fureys are mumbling about coming over Spring break. Busy times ahead!
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