Sunday, December 10, 2006

16 Days Till Christmas!

16 days till Christmas! Wow! We have seen the tree lighting ceremony on base, Saw Santa at Tyler's school, Santa was at the tree lighting, Santa was at the holiday party where we played in the snow and we had breakfast with Santa too! How many times will we see Santa this year? Really! Tyler is now convinced that Santa got rid of the sleigh and lost all of his reindeer. Why does he think this? Last year Santa showed up at Kevin's work in a leer jet. This year he keeps riding up in the fire truck with sirens screaming and horns blowing and lights flashing. Every time we ride past the fire station he wants to stop so he can go visit Santa. Makes sense to me. If he always arrives on the fire truck he must live at the fire station. Right? Poor kid. The best part of the Christmas season is the threat of toy deprivation based on behavior. "You better be good because Santa's watching you" really works. Although as soon as the sentence is spoken Tyler looks over both shoulders and up in the air as if he might actually catch Santa watching.
I was able to drag Kevin out shopping twice this week. He has done more shopping in the past few days than the entire time he has spent on the island. He really needs to leave the base more. He never has a clue where we are or how we got there. I think the holiday madness is beginning to take it's toll on him though. Every time he comes home from work he talks about a new det he might have to go on. I believe it's wishful thinking.
Tara has upcoming parties and she's getting very excited for her month break. She is already asking if we can do more hiking and go to the beach and go snorkeling etc etc. She has a fancy black sequined dress for her (oh so fancy!) cheering end of season party and she made the cover of Sports Illustrated. You can view the photos under links.
You may notice a lack of pictures of Trey. He doesn't want anything to do with the bearded fat man in the red suit. That will change next year I'm sure!

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