Sunday, July 29, 2007

I've got the whole bed to myself! Sort of....

Another Saturday has come and gone. Soccer was this morning. The kids were great. Kevin was here so that made it more special for both Tara and Big Guy. I finished up the last of the school supply shopping. I don't mind buying the usual supplies. Paper, notebooks, pencils, erasers, glue, etc. is all the stuff you expect. But...when I have to buy dry erase markers and other supplies for the teachers there seems to be a problem. Tara needs 6 rolls of paper towels. Every child has to bring in 6 rolls of paper towels. What in the name of Pete are they going to do with all those paper towels? Why are the students bringing in dry erase markers for the teachers and paper towels to last into the next decade? Whatever **sigh**. In assessing the kids wardrobes I discovered that Tyler didn't own a pair of tennis shoe. I can't remember the last time I bought him a pair. So, in addition to the school supplies, paper towels, hand soap, boxes of tissue, dry erase markers and drinking cups I found Tyler some really cool tennis shoes. By some stroke of pure luck, they fit too. The bright spot I have in the yearly ritual is Tara. She is overly attached to anything from the year before. She does not want a new backpack. She is using the one she had in Kindergarten and even refuses to let me wash it. She is very protective of her "stuff" from last year. I'm not arguing.
I am sure my DH thought I had lost my mind today. We had one of those family cleaning days upstairs. (And no! Company is not coming!!) I rearranged Tara's room. I took the bookshelf off her desk so there would be room for homework. I then put the desk under her loft bed and moved all of her toys from the playroom into her room. That enabled me to move all of Tyler's stuff into the playroom and now the playroom is no more. It is officially Tyler's room. He is absolutely thrilled. A room of his own. I am ecstatic. My bed will only have to sleep me, Kevin, Samantha, Gizmo and the baby after his 4am wake up. Yeah!! So, after all of this rearranging I am exhausted and going to bed. G'night.....

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