Monday, July 02, 2007

Summer Daze and Bay Fest Haze

Macy has been here for a couple of weeks now. It is wonderful to have her here. Kevin and I are about to put our house in Virginia on the market and with an extra mortgage to pay having her here to hang out with the kids while I work is fabulous. I have decided that those people that have to work everyday 9-5 are sucking. Maybe it is just because I am in Hawaii. (I didn't hate it so much when I was in Virginia, but then again I worked nights.) I only worked 3 days one week and 2 the next- but it's horrible. I was at work all day. That is a day at the beach completely wasted. An entire day of being without the kids and missing all the crazy, goofy things that they find to keep them occupied through the day. I think I entered a state of semi depression. I should probably avoid that whole work thing for a while (LOLOLOL). Okay! Just the day part in the work factor is what I will try to avoid.
Anyway, trying to keep Macy occupied should be considered work. Just kidding! We have been going to the Hale Koa, hanging out at the beach, going to the movies, Bogey boarding at Bellows and doing some hiking. This past weekend was the Bay Fest extravaganza. I took Macy to her first concert- 3 Days Grace. I admit I have been a little out of touch with the music scene for the past few years, but who knew they would have a mosh pit at Bay Fest? Macy was mesmerized by the pure chaos of the "dancing". Ray went with us and he threatened the life of any and all Marines that happened to stare at Macy for too long. It was a blast! Macy had a great time at the concert and Ray even let her dance a little at the after party (of course he was standing next to her glaring at the poor soul who dared dance with her). Kevin was on duty and had to work the event on Saturday so he passed on that concert. I was supposed to work the next night when Gretchin Wilson was the main act so we both skipped that day. Sunday, a bunch of us took the kids and let them ride rides all day. Kevin and I went back that night and saw Alan Jackson's show. He was great and I think everyone in the crowd knew every word to every song. We all sang and swayed and even shed a few tears together when he played "Where were you when the world stopped turning?" It really was a great show.
My dear parents have been working hard on getting my house back into pre-renter condition. We are re-painting the inside for that clean, fresh feeling but the yard was in complete disrepair because they completely let it go. I have seen before and after pics and they, and Adam, have worked their butts off getting everything done. I can't say thank you enough!! We should be having an open house this coming weekend so everyone keep their fingers crossed and think "Sell! Sell!" I don't want to work this hard indefinitely!! :)
Well, I am currently teaching Macy about the luxury of owning a gas grill and the ease of a rice cooker. She lives on chicken and rice! Anyway, I am going to go supervise so...aloha!!!

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